The EE braggers thread!!!

I have a quick question for those who have laying EE's-- when did your girls start laying?? I have two EEs and they are five months today. Soo.... just wondering the typical time of when EE's start to lay.
I think any day...if they run loose they may find a special spot and make a hole to put them in and cover as they lay. I've found 12 one time and 5 another from my EE's

Here is my sweet EE hen Blackie...she laid her first egg today! A small greenish blue egg.
I just wanted to jump in here to share with everyone that my EE (5 of the 18 chicks in the brooder) are the biggest compared to all of their sisters and brothers! I was not expecting that! Their only competition is a SLW who looks more like a big baby with her tiny tiny wing feathers! Very excited to see what this group grows into!!

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