The EE braggers thread!!!

Here is Tippie now at 4 weeks

Pullet or roo?
Do you have anymore pics of its body, feather color, and close up of comb?
in these pictures the comb does not seem to be as red.Now i am leaning one way more than the other. Thanks for posting more pictures, please update in a few weeks
hey all is it an issue if u have a bird that normally lays a huge double yoker to get bound up?? have one that lays a big big double every other day, what should I watch for if she does bind up??
Pullets will often lay double yokers when they first start laying eggs. When the potential egg starts on its journey, sometimes they "get lost", so when another egg is released, it catches up with the first one and they travel down together and make a double yoker. They will do this for a few weeks until they get 'regulated' Enjoy them!

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