The EE braggers thread!!!

I have 1 of my EE hens laying an egg with tiny clusters of little bumps all over it. I looked the picture up and everything points to not enough calcium, I put out oyster shell and crushed, cooked egg shells. I thought it would just correct itself, but were going on 2 mos now and it's not. We still eat the eggs but some of the shells are so brittle it breaks into pieces when u try to crack it open. Don't know if i can change the feed as the chickens, ducks, turkey's all go into each others pens and eat, but in the chicken pen I do have chicken crumbles and self serve oyster shell on the side, plus they free range all day.

You can also add the egg shells to the wet feed this is how I do it
I am hoping someone can help me. One of my favorite EE hen is laying extremely soft shelled eggs to the point where it's just squishy and has no shell to it at all. She is a little over 2 years old. Is she not getting enough calcium or something? What could I feed her? I always give them 16% dumor layer pellets and right now give them some cracked corn too. They don't like oyster shells either. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Switch feeds, I've had trouble with Dumor. Lost 25 due to their feed.
Sandpaper eggs are an axcess of something. Potassium? Magnesium? One of those; probably stealing the duck's food. Different balance of nutrients. Pitted eggs are another thing but sounds like you are describing sandpaper.

Free range hens get calcium from the fresh greens
baby spinach is another way to bump it up in hens, easy to digest also.
Ok, I had to look up sandpaper eggs and ya the pics are pretty close. The pimpled eggs looked exactly like mine, both egg shells are the same. Opposite of what I thought, it is axcess calcium. Which i do keep oyster shell and egg shell out there all the time and she free ranges. I'm gonna try taking it away for a few weeks and see what happens. I do have to watch the spinach, they all love it out there and they would just take from my garden. Well my ducks started laying soft shelled to no shelled eggs and found out it was from spinach, not so good for them. lol So hard to please them all :) Thanks for the help, when I punched in sandpaper egg it took me to the chicken chick-found the pic of my egg on there no problem. Have a great day!
If it is just the one hen maybe she filled up on oyster shell one day and it is still backed up in there?
It is just the 1 EE. I took the oyster shell out of their pen yesterday and gonna just give the egg shells to the ducks for now, they love em. Victoria has had fine large eggs for months and this has been going on for over a month if not close to 2, so I would like to figure it out. We'll see if i take the extra calcium out, how it goes. How long do you suppose it would take to get out of her system?
My sweet (and still nameless) roo made his first attempt at crowing this morning! I can't get over how handsome he is proving to be as his colors continue to come in, most recently his saddle feathers have started to come in and are the most beautiful orange and his head is getting more and more red feathering - can't wait to see what he finally ends up looking like. Here's a pic I snapped today, so wish the sun would have been out because he is even prettier in the sunlight

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