The EE braggers thread!!!

AN UPDATE -I hope she will survive.
A cute EE story: I had a cochin and an EE hen go broody at the same time. I did not want ANY more chicks but they sat on every newly laid egg & stole eggs from each other , drove me nuts. SO.. I let the cochin(Emily) have the one egg that they had fought over for 10 days & gave a newly laid egg to my EE (Alice). Emily sat on that egg & basically only got off twice in about 10 days, she was VERY skinny. Emily, my practical EE had a 5 minute feed & water each day.

Any way.. I did a bad thing... once I knew for sure Emily's egg was a dud, I stole the egg from under Alice & gave it to Emily because I did not think she could sit for much longer .I gave a new egg to Alice- another 21 days! So, Emily hatched the egg and Alice is still sitting on hers but she is also being a great Aunt to this one.She is much more protective than Emily is. I really hope her egg hatches- due on 26th. Alice will be an awesome mum.
Oh dear, an update to this story. 3 days before my EEs egg was due, I was out visiting my parents for a few hours. When I came home – Alice was on her nest but her egg had rolled out onto the ground & was badly cracked. I presume as she rushed out to protect "Bilbo", the other chick from some imaginary danger! I knew the egg had been ok as I had heard movement that morning but Alice had spent far too much time off the nest watching Bilbo. As i picked up the egg she left the nest again and ended up spending 5 hours out with Bilbo & Emily. I examined the egg, the chick was not peeping but was moving. I was worried about the crack because some blood was seeping out-not a good sign.

I keept the egg warm while I prepared the incubator & I put egg in without much hope. About 3hrs later the crack had widened but no peeping. It ended up the bottom part of the egg parted and I could see feet, very bloody but moving. I removed the top part of the egg but managed to leave it attached to the umbilical cord. Very bloody, very yukky. Chick was extremely weak, eyes closed, pretty disgusting. I covered her with paper towel & thought (hoped?) she would be dead in the morning. I went to bed at about 10.30pm, condition the same. I woke at about 3am & her feathers were dry but all stuck, not fluffy & egg was still attached.

At about 8am when I checked she opened an eye which was a relief as until then she just looked like an embryo, the eye made a difference.
3pm- i have just taken her “Precious” out & gently brushed her with a very soft toothbrush to fluff up the feathers. The egg has fallen off & both eyes have opened. She is back in the incubator wrapped in some soft flanalette. From what I can tell she is completely yellow which IF she survives means white, like Bilbo she is a cochin. I was not expecting much so I did not get my hopes up. She is very sweet & if she survives, I hope Alice will take her back but she would need to be fit enough to keep up with them & I may have missed that opportunity as Bilbo is 2 wks old. Bilbo is a VERY adored chick- I have taken the barrier down so both of them snuggle him at night & both feed him every day, very, very, spoilt!

2 days later & I am hoping she will be ok:
My mutt hen laid her first egg today. The huge green egg. So if I want her to hatch chicks that will lay eggs much like that, what breed of rooster should I get? I'm just looking to add more chickens from my hen below, I want to clone her LOL!!!
My other hens are RIR, BR, Blue Jersey Giant and a game Phoenix hen.

My mutt hen laid her first egg today. The huge green egg. So if I want her to hatch chicks that will lay eggs much like that, what breed of rooster should I get? I'm just looking to add more chickens from my hen below, I want to clone her LOL!!!
My other hens are RIR, BR, Blue Jersey Giant and a game Phoenix hen.

What a fantastic looking chicken! SO different. I love chickens that look odd.
basel- the chick is very cute. Please keep posting pics of your hatch.

gldchook- I am rooting for you little chick "Precious". Thank you for sharing such a heart warming story.

bama1- If you happen to know what cross or crosses went into making her you might be able to duplicate it or the other option would be if you could get a hatchmate (sibling) rooster to use to breed back to her. If egg color is what you are looking for then I would think any blue or green gene carrying rooster will help. As I have read since EEs are mutts it very hard to clone them unless you have the original cross and even then its not guaranteed (I think but am no expert).

ETA- sorry confused chicken pickin instead of bama1.
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basel- the chick is very cute. Please keep posting pics of your hatch.

gldchook- I am rooting for you little chick "Precious". Thank you for sharing such a heart warming story.

chicken pickin- If you happen to know what cross or crosses went into making her you might be able to duplicate it or the other option would be if you could get a hatchmate (sibling) rooster to use to breed back to her. If egg color is what you are looking for then I would think any blue or green gene carrying rooster will help. As I have read since EEs are mutts it very hard to clone them unless you have the original cross and even then its not guaranteed (I think but am no expert).
Shes not mine. I quoted Bama1.
Congrats BASEL!!!!
That's wonderful that you have already gotten a few fluffers out!
I'm 1wk in on my duck eggs & will be putting in 20 chicken eggs to see if I'll get anything with them.

btw, is that your pet squirrel in your avatar?? I had one when I was a little girl, we name him munch and he stayed with us for a few years then we slowly got him used to being in the wild in our yard. He then hung around for a few more yrs. One of my favorite animal friends/pets

Thank you! I hope you get lots of peepers soon too!

The squirrel in my avatar is one of my releases when he was still a baby. I do wildlife rehab a bit and I love love baby squirrels! Munch was a very lucky boy! How wonderful to have had him with your for years. They are quite captivating aren't they?? :)
Re Bama1-MUTT HEN-she is very unique,I think you would need to clone her.
"Precious" still doing ok, altho she is so lonely, I have to hold her for 5 minutes every 15 or she peeps continously.Excuse the names but my nephew had pre named both Bilbo & Precious from Lord of the Rings. I LOVE the Olive green eggs, my EE lays pale blue.

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