The Egg Song, 18 Weeks, A Bad Day ... and an egg!


Mar 16, 2020
Spooner, WI
My Coop
My Coop
Whoo hoo! I found my first egg today!

I was having a rotten, no good, very bad day. Went outside to sit with my chickens and blow off some steam. Took a little peak in the coop/nest boxes because I'd heard the "Egg Song" the last couple of days coming from the ladies. And much to my surprise - AN EGG! It's quite small - as I expected and definitely qualifies as a "fart egg." It's quite heavy so expecting that if I crack open, it will be mostly yolk. I'm not exactly sure who it's from but have an idea. My Barnevelder, "Henrietta" - named after my grandmother, Henrietta Veld (see why I bought this chicken breed?) - was one of two singing the "Egg Song" so assuming it was her. A little research shows that they can start laying at 18 weeks and we are just past that. The other that was singing was my Light Brahma, "Freebie" and web search says may lay at 24-26 weeks.

Oh, the simple joys that can turn a bad day into something with a little sweetness.

definitely qualifies as a "fart egg."
You've got a pullet egg. Congrats!!

Fairy, fart, wind, rooster eggs are usually from a tiny piece of tissue breaking loose from the reproductive tract, or an immature ova(yolk) and the body forms an egg around it. Color can be darker than 'normal' as the pigment coating released has to cover a much smaller area so is thicker. Can happen with any age layer, but more common with older layers.

I think it's explained in this excellent video, which is worth watching regardless:

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