The first aid kit


Free Ranging
6 Years
May 11, 2018
Northwest Indiana
So after a little fiasco of digging around in our first aid kit to help one of our birds i decided it was time to purchase items for a specific chicken first aid kit. Ive been looking around and i have seen several different options for antibiotics and dewormers and i just cant come to the decision of what to buy. We want something general/all purpose if possible so we dont have tons of bottles and what nots. Any recommendations? We have plenty of bandages, neosporin and peroxide already.
I wouldn't personally buy a wormer without having a fecal float done and being sure I was treating with the correct med. Aside from most having an expiration date that I don't wish to contend with for long term storage.

Corid is often good to have on hand.

And I don't personally use antibiotics... since they kill the good stuff also. I prefer to support their immunity instead by offering good nutrition in the form of a formulated ration not diminished by low nutrient treats such as scratch and keeping my pasture and coop managed appropriately. I have never yet faced respiratory illness or any other need for antibiotics in 9 years. Antibacterials will only work for bacterial infections and not on viral stuff.

One thing I WILL recommend, ONLY as needed... Permethrin spray to treat lice and mites...

I bought it to keep mosquitoes and discovered it has many other uses. But since resistance can be a problem I use ONLY as needed and this size bottle for under $8 in the equine section (but labeled for use in chickens) lasted 3 dogs, 2 large goats, and 82 + chickens for more than 2 years.

OK one more actual suggestion that I WOULD keep on hand... poultry nutri drench. I like this better than other vitamin supplements because it has amino acids in it. I am not familiar with rooster booster products. But poly vi sol recommended by many is supposed to be IF you already have it on hand or can't find the nutri drench in an emergency.

Good luck! Hope your bird recovered well. :)
Thanks for the advice! We will have to pick some of that spray up! Our bird recovered really well. We didnt have on hand any electrolytes so we used gatorade. We used blue kote on her wounds after the first day because...once again...didnt have any. We just got our chicks in april so we are still learning. Ive already learned a lot already but we are still tweaking things.

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