~The Forests of Avalon, A Dragon Roleplay~ 2

In the shadows, an unseen threat watched as the battle raged. His four glowing red eyes showed no signs of emotion other than ammusement, even as some of the dragons fighting were injured or killed. Droll watched for a bit, then decided he would join in the fun. Someone back in Caronia had recently hired him to aid in the war, but he was still a Rouge and a killer through and through. He had been told who the Caronian warriors were so he knew who not to attack. He waited for an opening where one Pelendavian let their guard down or made themselves vulnerable. He saw one smaller dragon fleeing the fight and jumped at the oppertunity. He bolted out of his hidding place and let out an absolutely terrifying roar. He streaked up towards his target's belly, spraying flames and his talons extended to their fullest.
Aesta's stomach grumbled, but however vain she was she was still curious about what was going on. Finding a lake will have to wait until I find out what's happening, she thought quite unwillingly. She flew closer to where she heard the sounds of the fight. Aesta carefully glided until the other dragons were spots in the distance. Trying to pry her eyes of her own scales, she focused on them.
Owl, would it be alright if you stuck with your three characters? Otulissa, Finny and Tisep? The odds are starting to get really uneven in Caronia's favor and I'd like to not get in the habit of making a bunch of random warriors right before a battle. My view is quality, not quantity, as far as characters go.
Well, I had plans for Ygryk and the others, but I guess we can just bring them in later or just have them killed.
Aesta took a few tentative steps forward, ignoring how it got dirt all over her freshly washed scales. "Wonder who's fighting..." she muttered to herself out loud.

(Anyone can recruit her if they want :p)
Well, I had plans for Ygryk and the others, but I guess we can just bring them in later or just have them killed.

What did you have in mind? I just don't want Pelendava to be completely wiped out yet, there is a bit of a plot going on right now that depends on this being an even battle.
In the shadows, an unseen threat watched as the battle raged. His four glowing red eyes showed no signs of emotion other than ammusement, even as some of the dragons fighting were injured or killed. Droll watched for a bit, then decided he would join in the fun. Someone back in Caronia had recently hired him to aid in the war, but he was still a Rouge and a killer through and through. He had been told who the Caronian warriors were so he knew who not to attack. He waited for an opening where one Pelendavian let their guard down or made themselves vulnerable. He saw one smaller dragon fleeing the fight and jumped at the oppertunity. He bolted out of his hidding place and let out an absolutely terrifying roar. He streaked up towards his target's belly, spraying flames and his talons extended to their fullest.

Tanis held eye contact with Frill for a split second, wishing with all her heart that they would see each other again before the night was out. She returned the nod but had no time for words as, as soon as Frill was gone, she spotted the figure of Droll in her peripheral vison. His attack was quick and distracting, the roar and flames made it difficult to pin-point exactly where it was coming from. But though he was quick, Tanis was quicker. Her small size made her an agile and nimble flyer, and she managed to roll sharply to the left to avoid his claws and the worst of the flames, although the heat blackened parts of her belly and legs. As she righted herself she fought to find exactly where Droll was to avoid another attack if necessary, or launch one of her own, but the noise and chaos of the battle confused her senses and she couldn't located him right away.

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