The great yolk color debate

I’ve gone from free-ranging to containment for my birds, and my eggs are suffering. I know that yolk color and diet is not “supposed” to affect taste, but I don’t know if I buy it. How can certain foods like onions change the taste, but a wide variety of good things not provide a more robust flavor, as it does color? I still love the flavor of my eggs, but I don’t think that they’re as rich. Maybe that’s my frustration at the color.

Regardless, I’m after a darker yolk, if nothing just to know my birds are getting a varied diet. Below is a photo of my eggs, past and present.

Egg 1 is from a month ago, free range

Egg 2 is from two weeks ago, just layer crumbles. (Layena layer pellets)

Egg 3 is from today. Switched feed two weeks ago to a non gmo feed with alfalfa. I’ve been fermenting feed and providing some alfalfa hay as well as weeds and grass clumps.

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I’m only noticing a slight difference from egg 2 to 3. (Yolk size is due to being a newer layer before)

What do you do for your birds confined to a run to maintain a rich egg color?

I’m thinking about sprouting seeds, but wondering if I have to go all the way to the green stage to affect the color of the eggs?

Also, when experimenting, how many days can it take for diet to actually have an effect on the egg color?

Would love any tips you have on this!

I don't worry about the 'color' lol. I free range my birds all the time, they get a lot of greens. Doesn't matter sometimes during the yr their yolks are not 'orange', still taste the same, yolks stand up the same, whites still stay together the same, still so much better than store bought.
You live in MO, just drive over and politely ask them for one. MO doesn't take two days to drive across like TX, or does it?
I was just there yesterday. Took FOREVER to drive from Maryville (NW) to the border. I cannot imagine driving from east to west or north to south.
10 days seems a real good number. I’m seeing deepening yolk color from what has to be the alfalfa hay I started to add 10 days ago. Will take another photo later today to show. I’m running out of previous eggs for comparison. Thinking I’ll find something yellow to put in the photos for comparison.

You can really notice the difference in a scrambled egg. Several weeks ago they were incredibly pale, and today’s toddler scramble was vibrant yellow.
It should be Orange!
Leftover fruits and veggies are the way to go for better tasting eggs with good color. Flax seeds in small quantities are good, too, and grass clippings, so long as chemical fertilizer or weed killer (any chemicals, basically) haven't been used on the lawn.

I am not sure about using Marigold, Tagetes erecta. That type of Marigold is rather pungent and the flavor may carry over and effect the taste of eggs. But I do give my chickens fresh pot Marigold petals when they are in flower. Pot Marigold, botanical name Calendula officinalis, has been used for centuries to impart color and delicate flavor in cooking, and the flowers will brighten egg yolks, as well as increase the intensity of color on the legs of chickens with yellow legs. Poultry exhibitors sometimes use them for this purpose.

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