The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

Hi all, how are you?
Sorry to crash in on this thread, i wanted to know what you think of my Rir.
Here's some pictures.

He is a young bird so should his black hackles fade out? Are black feathers undesirable?

Roy (the Rir) is excited in this photo normally he wouldn't have such a high tail angle. What angle should there tail be?
Welcome Raph. Might go back to the first page or 2 and also go here

Robert Blosl was head of the RIR club of the US, and once you get past his hectic writing style (honestly I think he must have been typing on his phone, and two other computers at the same time, he was such a prolific poster) you will learn everything you could possibly want about HRIR and heritage breeds in general. :) Hope to see you back, and maybe you can tell us where you are, and if we can hook you up with a local breeder. Also, you aren't crashing, you are one of the reasons this threads exists, to teach people about well bred RIR.
My Gary Underwood RC's are coming along nicely. I have more pullets than roosters out of the 25 I purchased, I think I have 16 or 18 females so I am happy with that ratio. I have been pouring over the APA standards and need to make some cuts. It seems the more I read the more confused I am getting. The rosecomb really is interesting. In the first pic, the single comb future cull rooster, it shows the body depth of these big boys.
I will be choosing my breeders and selling some trios if any one is interested. Otherwise, we will be butchering some of the culls in a few weeks.

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It's been a while since I shared images of my Ron Fogle birds. It saddens me that Bob B. is not here to see how they are turning out. But I need the help of the folks in the know here to help me choose the best two birds from the last four cockerels. I had fourteen males and have slowly put one by one into the freezer or roasting pan as the matured. There were no bad birds. It's been a real struggle to cull them out. Each one is magnificent in my eyes. I kept the two that I banded early on. They still look excellent. One is in the barn to keep safe. I don't have a great picture of him. But he is a *wow* bird. He doesn't treat the hens well and can't yet figure out how to cover them.

I'll get better pictures of him soon.

He is second choice for now. His head is turned. His comb is large but kind of sticks up in back.

First choice is with the layers now. He treats the hens well and sticks with the flock.

This is my #1 choice for breeding for 2014. A marvelous boy.

These last two are beautiful but one is going into the freezer. I know not which.

The last four we butchered were so large, they barely fit in my roaster pan. The best chicken I've ever eaten. For reals.

I hope to never buy store bought chicken again. HRIR is a true dual purpose bird. My pullets started laying. I am looking forward to breeding my first starting in Jan. 2014. Please help me by critiquing my cockerels. They are seven/eight months old.
It's been a while since I shared images of my Ron Fogle birds. It saddens me that Bob B. is not here to see how they are turning out. But I need the help of the folks in the know here to help me choose the best two birds from the last four cockerels. I had fourteen males and have slowly put one by one into the freezer or roasting pan as the matured. There were no bad birds. It's been a real struggle to cull them out. Each one is magnificent in my eyes. I kept the two that I banded early on. They still look excellent. One is in the barn to keep safe. I don't have a great picture of him. But he is a *wow* bird. He doesn't treat the hens well and can't yet figure out how to cover them.

I'll get better pictures of him soon.

He is second choice for now. His head is turned. His comb is large but kind of sticks up in back.

First choice is with the layers now. He treats the hens well and sticks with the flock.

This is my #1 choice for breeding for 2014. A marvelous boy.

These last two are beautiful but one is going into the freezer. I know not which.

The last four we butchered were so large, they barely fit in my roaster pan. The best chicken I've ever eaten. For reals.

I hope to never buy store bought chicken again. HRIR is a true dual purpose bird. My pullets started laying. I am looking forward to breeding my first starting in Jan. 2014. Please help me by critiquing my cockerels. They are seven/eight months old.

I like your top pick, he seems to have the total package. The last two, the one on the left of the picture appears to have little to no chest. Whereas the other cockerel has a nice deep full breast, at least from the pictures. His tail isn't as nice right now, but really want that nice brick shaped body. I like him quite a bit.
I like your top pick, he seems to have the total package. The last two, the one on the left of the picture appears to have little to no chest. Whereas the other cockerel has a nice deep full breast, at least from the pictures. His tail isn't as nice right now, but really want that nice brick shaped body. I like him quite a bit.
Yes. The one on the left is lacking in deep chest. His back narrows into a bit of a wedge as well. The one with the excellent chest and the tail out of condition has been banded and on my radar since he was very young. He spent some time with the hens and his tail lost condition quickly. He was holding hens by the head and mating with the dirt so I pulled him. The cockerel with the narrow back and light chest is not a keeper. I have had him this far because he is so beautiful. But your right....His type is off.
It's been a while since I shared images of my Ron Fogle birds. It saddens me that Bob B. is not here to see how they are turning out. But I need the help of the folks in the know here to help me choose the best two birds from the last four cockerels. I had fourteen males and have slowly put one by one into the freezer or roasting pan as the matured. There were no bad birds. It's been a real struggle to cull them out. Each one is magnificent in my eyes. I kept the two that I banded early on. They still look excellent. One is in the barn to keep safe. I don't have a great picture of him. But he is a *wow* bird. He doesn't treat the hens well and can't yet figure out how to cover them.

I'll get better pictures of him soon.

He is second choice for now. His head is turned. His comb is large but kind of sticks up in back
All I will say about this one is He has beautiful color and other then that I can't tell by the picture with him on the roost. lol. He'll learn what to do with the hens. Don't count him out. Oh, yes his comb is sticking up in the back, not following the contour of the head/neck.

First choice is with the layers now. He treats the hens well and sticks with the flock.

This is my #1 choice for breeding for 2014. A marvelous boy.
This bird looks to have a nice comb, nice keel/breast, color looks to be what it is supposed to be, I really can't tell for sure but it does look a little like he is narrow in the tail area of the back. This could just be the way he is standing in the picture. That is the only thing I would knock him for right now going by pictures.

These last two are beautiful but one is going into the freezer. I know not which.

The bird on left would look good in the roaster pan. The one on the right appears to be really blocky instead of brick shape.

The bird above doesn't appear to have much front end at all. He does appear to have a level long back but???????

The last four we butchered were so large, they barely fit in my roaster pan. The best chicken I've ever eaten. For reals.
The bird above (going by picture) looks a little roach backed. May just be because he is moving???

These two are my personal pick. lol They sure do look good. mmmmmmmmmmmmmm

I hope to never buy store bought chicken again. HRIR is a true dual purpose bird. My pullets started laying. I am looking forward to breeding my first starting in Jan. 2014. Please help me by critiquing my cockerels. They are seven/eight months old.
Believe me, this is not an easy job. I have quite a few boys right now to go through and like you, so many of them are absolutely gorgeous birds but not the quality for breeders to my eye. I am very very picky with my own birds. I have one that I've had for 2 years that is a real ham. Gorgeous Nelson boy but not the breeder quality I want. He stays by himself in a pen but he is going this week. I'm not keeping the boys that I'm not going to use. Good luck with your final choices. We all have to start somewhere and pray a lot. lol
it would be great if there was a show site with the winners pictures. or maybe every RIR picture. There is no way I can get there but I would like to see the chickens.
Since reading this post, I've been thinking about this. I thought that I would be willing to set up a site and have folks send me pictures or give password and they could post the pictures and comments but here is the problem. Unless there was someone from the RIRCA or someone that would step up and agree to take the pictures and either post them or send them to me it wouldn't work. I even thought about getting with someone on the RIRCA Face Book page but with shows being all over the US I don't know if this would work or not. I would be willing to help with the site if needed but i don't go to the shows so I could not agree to take pictures. lol
If the show secretaries would agree to take pictures of the winners it would be a good thing.
It's been a while since I shared images of my Ron Fogle birds. It saddens me that Bob B. is not here to see how they are turning out. But I need the help of the folks in the know here to help me choose the best two birds from the last four cockerels. I had fourteen males and have slowly put one by one into the freezer or roasting pan as the matured. There were no bad birds. It's been a real struggle to cull them out. Each one is magnificent in my eyes. I kept the two that I banded early on. They still look excellent. One is in the barn to keep safe. I don't have a great picture of him. But he is a *wow* bird. He doesn't treat the hens well and can't yet figure out how to cover them.

I'll get better pictures of him soon.

He is second choice for now. His head is turned. His comb is large but kind of sticks up in back.

First choice is with the layers now. He treats the hens well and sticks with the flock.

This is my #1 choice for breeding for 2014. A marvelous boy.

These last two are beautiful but one is going into the freezer. I know not which.

The last four we butchered were so large, they barely fit in my roaster pan. The best chicken I've ever eaten. For reals.

I hope to never buy store bought chicken again. HRIR is a true dual purpose bird. My pullets started laying. I am looking forward to breeding my first starting in Jan. 2014. Please help me by critiquing my cockerels. They are seven/eight months old.
Wow all of your roosters look so good. Even the one in the pot:). Congrats on the eggs. My pullets have red combs but no eggs coming yet. I have 3 roosters that I need to narrow down to 2. I will try and get some pictures up later this week. We won't be culling until mid Nov or even Thanksgiving time so this week I'm taking it slow and watching. I hate to say it but the most dominate rooster may be the one to go. But all three look so nice. Like your roosters there is nothing drastically wrong with any of them.
Been neglecting pictures of my new pairs, 'cause my camera sucks. Didn't realize just how bad until I took these pictures. Will try again another day, maybe get some one on one time :)

Thanks again to budsbirds for helping me out.

Just for fun, this is where I was coming from, so very happy to have aquired brick like Reds:
These are pics I took at the show... they aren't great either, but:

Have to admire a NH cockerel. Like a weathervane...

took this one 'cause I vaguely recall someone trying to find white faced black Spanish... only one there, but it was listed as for sale. If someone knows how to track down the exhibitor... will post this on the HLF thread too.

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