The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

I know this is a simple question for you guys and maybe a little silly but I am scratching my head here. I have 3 Orpington hens that will be 1 yr old in April, 2 of whom have not laid yet at all and one who was laying when I got her but has never gave me an egg. I got them in Nov/Dec last year. All the hens I have with the exception of my Faverolle and my Rock(and the Orps) has given me an egg and they all lay creamy super light brown eggs. I figure my Faverolle will probably lay a light colored egg also.

Now for my question- what color are Orpingtons eggs? I ask because I got a darker brown egg than I am used to. I have thought of my rock laying the egg but I got her in Sept and she has never given me an egg. She is 3 yrs old(maybe), I got her from a lady who knew nothing of chickens and was selling them because she "inherited" them and couldn't care for them, so not much information. I wish I could take a picture but my lovely egg hound stole all three eggs and ate them!!! arrrrgh! The thing is I only got 3 and haven't seen one in a few days. All my hens are just starting to lay again so not sure if the dark eggs got lighter or this mystery hen just doesn't lay often. Most of my adult hens came from a hatchery except the Faverolle(direct from a breeder) and the Orpingtons, they came from a lady who said she got the eggs from a breeder in NY.

I do have Welsummers and Marans but they all are under 20 weeks old and this was not even remotely a pullet sized egg so I am sure(85%) it's not from them. I say only 85% because I keep finding one of my Welsummer pullets in the nesting box sitting at the back of the nest. The problem is they have been in the hen pen for awhile and all the young pullets huddle in the bottom nest box because it is warmer and so they can get away from some of the more aggressive hens. But they are all so terribley small I am not sure they could even pass a pullet egg never mind a normal sized one.
Will do Vickie...they are nice and meaty with that ol eye of newt
....I think they have been holding the feathers in this cold..this is the time of year when the temps are all over the place, one day its 40 the next 20..Took some pics of Rogers..he is impervious to the cold..he picks his feet way up to his chest and marchs right out there..doesnt wait for paths..Wish I had gotten of a pic of him way out in the was funny..looked like he was floating on snow...then he plows his way back..the others wont go unless I shovel..they are much prettier than I can take a picture .. , I have little or no talent taking of the australorp hens was by thier pen this morning , I had a pic but it was very blurry.. Rogers blue on the shoveled path , sorry about my poor photography. Hows this for a little winter wear....I would probably wear it too..Somone was selling them on THE web...too funny..
That hat is too funny!! That made my morning.
Might have to wear that to some of the fall shows..hee hee
That head wrap is so funny. I don't think I have ever seen one like that. Drumsticks and all..

Orpington eggs vary in color from pale beige to very brown. Or they do in mine
Thought I would post a picture of the Black chicks..they are growing..the weather has been so cold, but mom is keeping them nice and warm.

It sure will be nice when she can take them outside.
Thought I would post a picture of the Black chicks..they are growing..the weather has been so cold, but mom is keeping them nice and warm.

It sure will be nice when she can take them outside.

She's a good mommy. The egg in your other post is an ostrich egg, not an Orp...
I ferment my feed..I get big eggs..all my birds lay jumbos..some just once in a while blow out a huge one..I guess I wanted to brag..its is nice to have a hard time closing the cover to an egg carton.

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