The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

I believe I heard that the ground out there is so rocky and hard that it is very difficult and costly to dig down to put basements ?
In western Oklahoma we have sandy loam soil. I have a storm shelter at my house, about 8 feet from the back door. I won't live there without one. Storms out there is a way of life.
Looks like Partridge, Jubilee, possible gold laced and and red (at this age they look a little alike) and for sure the rest are white - silver - black wings will turn white.  Lovely bunch.
Congratulations :love

OK, Nellie, I'm officially blind. I've played Where's Waldo and couldn't find the Gold Laced among her chicks...
LOL..That could be bilbos home it wouldnt blow away in a tornado either..the glass is gorrilla glass..My husband is contractor..he gets magazines with some crazy homes people build....I saved one of the magazines that had article of a hillside in was at a glance just big bolders and the usual plants growing around first I thought what are you showing me a picture of? all I see is you walked around the corner there were windows in the bolders!!..I thought how on earth did they do that..they had some world renounded architect design the building ..the interior was all big hay bales...they literally had goats go in and eat the hay out after the structure was formed from special concrete..state of the art, amazing home..also strange..

I still cant bleach the pictures outof my mind of horses standing around with broken legs after that tornado....Lordy! thats why I many times are we going to build these shoddy buildings out all turns into toothpicks..the movie theater was completly untouched other than the neon lights looked like nothing happened there while the building on both sides were destroyed ..they built that theater to strong tornado code..

I knew Don was in Tenn..but due to lot of overcast skies , could get satalite pics of where percell was in relation to the tornado path,,
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Hi everyone,
Yesterday I was browsing through the hatching eggs section and the chocolate bantam Orpingtons caught my eye. There is also English chocolate Orp hatching eggs for sale as well, and right now I'm debating if I want English or American bantam chocolate Orpingtons. Whatever I do end up getting, I plan on showing them. I guess what I came here for is: How does showing English Orps work? I know there is a totally different standard for English Orps. Can you even show English Orps at APA/ABA shows? Also, are chocolate Orps going to be accepted in the standard soon? It seems like such a popular color in Orpingtons.
Sorry for all the questions at once.
Sorry to jump in here, just wanted to say I have the Eng Chocolate Orp bantams, they are my favorites so far with my birds. Not only are they beautiful, but they are the sweetest most personable creatures.
I'm sure if you read the description, they are all English Chocolate bantams or chocolate projects. I don't think there are any American Chocolate Orpingtons. I am probably wrong about this, so please don't bash me if I am. But, I wouldn't be surprised to see that someone is working on them. It would be easy to introduce the chocolate gene to the American type.

Hmm, okay. So I guess I'll go with better looking English Orps. Can I show them though?

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