The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

These are handsome looking babies. I see you have Dorkings. There's a Dorking thread on here too. :)
Well I wasn't there but everyone I spoke to today said about as many LF Orps as there was at Lake City, Fl. I know I counted 24 in Lake City. Maybe Pidgey can tell us since she was there.

I heard there were barely any LF at the Newnan show, of any breed.
Dixieland won for every ameraucana that she brought.

Last year when I was there there was one who tent of nothing but Marans as they were introducing a new color. There were only 8 LF Orps shown last year But although there were more bantams shown it seemed there was two large tents and another buiilding witth LF breeds last year. I hope they had a good turn oiut. I have been for the two years prior and it seemed to be a growing show.
Thanks galanie for putting the link on for me, i would never have figured out how to do it,

Crele orpington (cuckoo partridge) are still scarce in the U.K. the females especially are very hard to produce with the right colour and absence of barring on the breast, there are a lot of cockerels about produced from crossing cuckoo to buff which look the part but don't breed true, the best coloured males are produced from partridge over cuckoo and is the most likely way the legbar orp was created on the continent before being imported into the U.K. where it is still a very rare colour

This is the sort of thing I'd love to see over on this side. Or even some the type of of our widest, deepest bodied APA types.
Well I wasn't there but everyone I spoke to today said about as many LF Orps as there was at Lake City, Fl. I know I counted 24 in Lake City. Maybe Pidgey can tell us since she was there.


We went to the Dalton show 2 weeks before. I won't be making that drive again- they should have called it a bantam game show. There were probably 5 Orps, 3 geese and 6 ducks there. Even the "for sale" area was all OEGB.

This is the sort of thing I'd love to see over on this side. Or even some the type of of our widest, deepest bodied APA types.

GORGEOUS !! I love Crele. When I imported eggs a few years back, I imported some Crele was heartbreaking when none of them hatched. I'd love to have some of these.
DH moved my babies out of the house this morn. First we moved seven older blue and black chicks down on the ground in a inside pen with lights as they are a very slow feathering grouop. Unforuantely looks like four cockerels all blue and 3 black pullets My other seven I know I have at leasts two boys so far. I always seem to be cockerel Heavy But on a good note. I just heard from the Newnan Ga show that I didn't get to attend and the black cockeerel that took BV was a boy I sold to a friend in Lake City back in Jan.. It thrils my heart that birds from my line consistantly win at shows. I heard they had a good number of Orps shown. Black Blue White, and Buff. Another really nice UOC member won Champion English with Buff Cockerel. I saw his birds in Lake City and they were really nice. He called me this morning to let me know which one won. Congrats to all the winners at the Newnan Ga Show.


That is great news, Julie. CONGRATS !!! It definitely warms the cockles of the heart to see these English Orps doing so well at shows....and they said it couldn't be done !!!
Dave, Your trying to give us Legbar envy. ANd type envy. Look at the those round Orpies.Makes my heart glad to look at them.
Do you know what country they are in?

This is the sort of thing I'd love to see over on this side. Or even some the type of of our widest, deepest bodied APA types.

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