The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

Nellie, I am glad to see that I am not the Lone Stranger who knows about the genetic defect. I had some of these birds and was really disappointed about the missing toe nails. I would really like to see this variety get through this problem. I can't say for sure that this was the real problem in this instance. It is suspected to be frostbite. But, I felt that I needed to share what I knew about the the genetic problems. No harm was meant to GF, because they shared the same problem as we all did with this variety. I think some breeders won't admit it though. I shouldn't have said that. But, I think it might be so. I am really glad that you chimed in. Thanks, Alton

The information is interesting to me considering I have LCO. Luckily I have not had the problem. With understanding and help from other dedicated breeders this problem can fixed. VIVI
Merry Christmas Nellie!! Missed you in here..
Thanks for posting the info about the genetic defect .so people can make informed decisions..
Lynne Love your Cabin pic. Hope everyone has a great Christmas and remembers what it is all about. I am in the beautiful state of Oregon for Christmas. It is cold and rainy here. 3 of my grandchildren are here though so cold wet weather would not keep me away. I hatched chicks the morning I was leaving. Imogene came and took the incubator with chicks drying to her house. She said they all made it. I am excited because i was trying to hatch some from a young pair of really large Orps. Just wanting to see how they turn out.
I put those really large chicks that hatched Nov 1 on the ground with a light. They are still really large. Can't wait to see how big they turn out. I turned the incubator temp down a bit during incubation to try something posted on UOC forum about more pullets with lower temps This last batch I hatched two weeks ago looked and acted like pullets so I will let you know how it is working.
Thanks Julie..its not ours but thought it was the grandkids are so happy your there too..have a wonderful christmas..and a fun new year hatching even more of your fantastic blacks and blues..

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