The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

vickie, those photos Are amazing! wow those birds look just quit raining here just wouldnt let up for days..finnaly put the wee ones out..they are flying all over..loving it..hate keeping them cooped up, but it has been a deluge..
Thanks Lynne ! It is overcast here, and 90 degrees already. Heat index of 110 expected for tomorrow. They'll all come in in an hour or so to stand in front of the fans, and dig holes in the cool sand.
its been cool bordering on cold here..weird for this time of year..finnaly hit the 70 degree mark..sweatshirt weather..we are looking forward to a little wamth..the orps dont mind..they have faces burried in the wild strawberrys today..and digging in old forest wood for lord know what.
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Beautiful Vickie! Mrs P is something else. Wowsers. Monty is so grown up! Beautiful orchard. I can see why photographers take their clients there for pictures.
Vickie---FABULOUS PHOTOS of your wonderful birds and Hydrangeas!!!

I miss my snowball bushes too...just can't grow them here in AZ. I do have some glorious sunflowers...starting to bloom and some over 8 feet tall already...will have to upload some photos when more are bloomed out.

I don't know whether I'd want to take tea amongst the birds and blooms or have a glass of vin...decisions, decisions...however, due to the summer heat so perhaps we'd need southern iced sweet tea or lemonade with a sprig of fresh mint instead.

It hit 106 yesterday by 4 pm...only 6% humidity...dry or is "Hell's Kitchen" here right now..birds are all well though with fans and misters...still laying too.

Fast forward to Fall, pul--ease

I have some chicks pipping just a tad right now...
I just have to post a few pictures I snapped this morning. I really wish I was talented with a lens. My pictures do not do my birds justice. My GLO is almost the size of my 10 month old. She is really turning out to be a nice size. She is twice the size of the birds she was raised with. The male GLO was dust bathing and not picture ready. It is a bit hot today. It must be 80 out and they are a bit shocked. They are so used to 40's. Not Orpingtons..but a nice picture of mother and baby's.
Wow they've grown so much! Always love a mother and her babies
Vickie---FABULOUS PHOTOS of your wonderful birds and Hydrangeas!!!

I miss my snowball bushes too...just can't grow them here in AZ. I do have some glorious sunflowers...starting to bloom and some over 8 feet tall already...will have to upload some photos when more are bloomed out.

I don't know whether I'd want to take tea amongst the birds and blooms or have a glass of vin...decisions, decisions...however, due to the summer heat so perhaps we'd need southern iced sweet tea or lemonade with a sprig of fresh mint instead.

It hit 106 yesterday by 4 pm...only 6% humidity...dry or is "Hell's Kitchen" here right now..birds are all well though with fans and misters...still laying too.

Fast forward to Fall, pul--ease

I have some chicks pipping just a tad right now...
You are welcome to come for martinis in the orchard at 5:00 any day !

Here are a couple of photos of my 4th generation English Lavender Hens that only get better and bigger and fluffier with age.....they are beautiful eye candy

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