The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

Does anyone have trouble with their orp's combs? Most of mine are OK, but some choc's get this: [COLOR=B42000] [/COLOR] None of my blacks or lavs have ever had this. The choc boy had a great body & sweet temperament, but I was afraid that he'd pass along these strange sprigs. Is there a name for this comb issue or am I the only one who has it? I also have a choc pullet that has an imperfect comb, but not as severe. I was wondering if comb issues were common to choc orps or just my hatch. I culled the big choc boy & kept the choc cuckoo who had a much nicer comb. One of his downsides is that he's pretty small - about the same size as my lav orp hens. Brick is about a month older, but only 2/3 the size of my lav roo. Here they are at 7 & 8 months.
Those are sprigs and tend to be a recessive genetic fault. Do not breed him as he will pass them on. It can hide for several generations in a flock before the right genetics meet up to cause them
Can't wait to start spring hatches!

Those are some beautiful birds, I wish those hens were mine! ....I have a buff, a black, a blue, a splash EOs and 1 Australorp ...I'm praying every day that they all turn out to be hens!
They are 1 to 2 weeks old, it will be a whole before I will be able to tell...the buff is the oldest (2 weeks) and is growing the comb now...(please stay yellow)
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Those are sprigs and tend to be a recessive genetic fault. Do not breed him as he will pass them on. It can hide for several generations in a flock before the right genetics meet up to cause them
Are they just called sprigs? The 4 points made an unusual diamond shape, so I was wondering if it was something else. It looked very interesting, but I knew it was not desirable. He was invited for dinner, so he won't be breeding.
 Are they just called sprigs?  The 4 points made an unusual diamond shape, so I was wondering if it was something else.  It looked very interesting, but I knew it was not desirable.  He was invited for dinner, so he won't be breeding. 
yep, just comb sprigs, or you will hear side sprigs.

Of you keep breeders without sprigs each year you will slowly work them put of your pens. It takes a while.

They are common in Swedish flowers and I've fought for 4 year to be rid of them. In that time I've reduced the sprig chances greatly. I had one last year out of about 75 birds that had a sprig. Much better than half of my hatches the first year.
my big fluffy chocolate cuckoo boy :love
My boy is huge too. He is usually a sweetheart but lately he gets upset when I enter their pen and tries to flog me. If I grab him he sits calmly in my arm so I hold him and feed take care of other chores with the other. It make egg gathering a bit tricky. This rooster did it last year too for about six weeks so I hope he calms down soon.
My boy is huge too. He is usually a sweetheart but lately he gets upset when I enter their pen and tries to flog me. If I grab him he sits calmly in my arm so I hold him and feed take care of other chores with the other. It make egg gathering a bit tricky. This rooster did it last year too for about six weeks so I hope he calms down soon.
That's how I treat my roos & has worked well. Mine have never actually tried to flog me, but if I sense that they're feeling tense, I just pick them up. (Hard to be a big tough rooster if Mommy is holding you. LOL) In most cases, it's been because one rooster feels challenged by another. If one is quickly snatched up, the fight ends before it had a chance to begin.

We have kids, so our roos must be pretty docile when it comes to humans. We had to get rid of our 1st roo because he became unpredictable. "Mr. Dummy-Pants" below is our fav rooster. He'll be 3 this summer. I only wish he had a better name. That's what I get for allowing the kids to name him.
my big fluffy chocolate cuckoo boy :love
My boy is huge too. He is usually a sweetheart but lately he gets upset when I enter their pen and tries to flog me. If I grab him he sits calmly in my arm so I hold him and feed take care of other chores with the other. It make egg gathering a bit tricky. This rooster did it last year too for about six weeks so I hope he calms down soon.

Hopefully its just spring hormones getting the better of him. Put him in a dress for a couple days, let all the others make fun of him for a
I'm hoping to get some Orpingtons this year, hopefully from 'Keith's Orps' (who breeds beautiful unusually coloured Orpingtons)....... I keep getting really close to buying some- I found a pair of GORGEOUS black bantams at an auction, however they went for £160 :eek:.
I'm hoping to get some Orpingtons this year, hopefully from 'Keith's Orps' (who breeds beautiful unusually coloured Orpingtons)....... I keep getting really close to buying some- I found a pair of GORGEOUS black bantams at an auction, however they went for £160
Where can I find the "Keith Orps" you speak of? Is there a web site I can look up?

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