The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

So, here I am trying to get pictures to show off and brag, yes BRAG because my babies are the cutest babies ever hatched--oh yeah they are!!

And do these chicks cooperate? Are they mild mannered and all shook up from the trip??
NO, oh no they are not!

They would not hold still and were zipping and running everywhere. I honestly was worried they were going to go under the fridge and not come out.

I just laughed and laughed at them. These are big, healthy, chunckers--and Joy-- Thank you,
I love them

I took over 230 pictures and due to speedy chicks I only got about 100 good pics and now I have to choose. Unless you all want to see 100 pictures???
What? No?
Ok just some LOL

SO GUESS HOW MANY ARE IN THE PILE???? Are your eyes crossing yet?






Look at the glossy coat of feathers on them, they just shine!






Ah, Germaine, they are darling!!!! How many are there? I can't get any sort of count.

Joy, I looked at wattles on the two black ones, and there isn't much. The two big blues have some, Max especially, but the two black, who are the same age, are behind hand. They have some, but nothing like Max. No wattle on Skoche or the other blue either.
LOL Beth! I was going deaf with Joy's finger drumming
and wanted to get the pictures up quick. I did realize after posting that I forgot to give the count and the colors. So... how many do you think? You have to scroll down to see the answer--but guess first!

9 !!! There are 3 blacks and 6 blues now I get to guess the sex like you are
but that is all part of the fun.
They are precious, Germaine. Bet you were scrambling around that floor trying to keep up, huh? It's been a few months since Joy sent mine, but I remember telling her it was like I had just plucked them from my hatcher. Would never had know they had made a trip from Virginia to Louisiana. They are active, healthy little suckers for sure. Enjoy them!
rustyswoman .... THEY are just BEEEEEAUTIFUL!!!!!! Now can I ask, are these 100% English? If so, I want to get chicks or eggs from you when they are older since you are fairly close to me!!!! So put me on your list!!! Enjoy them!!!
Germaine very sweet. Boy it does'nt take long to click off a few hundred pics does it?
Hope they turn out all beautiful . I have a black pullet that is looking real good. very wide.
Hippichick, that is so right! They were all over the place, I was amazed at how strong and active they are. I was really scrambling and they were running, not walking, all over the place.

They are actually more vigorous than many of the chicks I hatch out at home! And they came all the way from Virginia to Idaho.

I couldn't stop myself from peeking at the chicks in the post office and there were at least 5 people who stepped out of line to come and see them. Lots of questions and I enjoyed telling them a little about them. They were the hit of the Post Office today.

WA 4- Thank you, I think they are too. No these aren't 100% I think they are either 50 or 75% I will have to ask Joy. It will take a long time before these are ready to lay eggs LOL you may want to check with Joy (the OP) or Julie (Bamachicken) for some. That is where I have gotten mine.

Bama- I would love to see pictures of your black girl, you can never get enough Orp pics! But at least as they get older they slow down a bit so we can snap them.

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