The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

our "construction" on the house has taken a back seat to chicken building
. They are in an ex-lg dog pen but are making a huge mess even though I have cardboard trying to keep the mess in
They will go to the bigger brooder while dh builds me some grow out pens/tractors
Yep. She is. Except she's mad because she can't go to state. "you have to be a stupid 7th grader to go to state!". Ha. Still happy though. Found out that the boy that beat her for first is the boy that got second at her school. So at least she was beat by a classmate.

Yes. Same daughter. I have her and a boy that's 3.
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pretty lemon cuckoos, I'm jealous of your sun....been raining FOREVER it seems
all my runs are mud and the chickens look terrible..
Kassandra, congrats to your Daughter.
Krista, I am completely tired of chicks right now. I have been cleaning up the mess for months. The last bunch is in the hatcher. If anymore hatch they will be under a broody who can brood them out. I wanted to hatch some more bantam cornish but not for me to tend with lights on them. I told DH if we have another go broody soon i iwll see if she can handle the small eggs without breaking them.
I do have some pretties though. I hope to make some pics tomorrow. I have to take two chicks to school for my grandson tomorrow afternoon.

Green family your cuckoos are pretty.

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