The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

Even with the recent imports of today. Like the jubilees, their looking great, but they still need size. My friend out west has them and she said that is the only thing she has to work on is size. As we all know Chocs are needing to breed to standard size. Lemon Cuckoos seem to look like more a hatchery grade of quality so they are in need of definite work. Same with Lavs. Both of those 2 varieites are in about the same stage of development.
For me I have these Cuckoos who were given to me from one of BYC's better breeders. they are just needing a bit more size. But I like the type of my Cuckoos. And then I love the size and type of my Brown Red project birds. Those are totally my development from Exhibition Blacks and Buffs. I just need more to make to that get off the ground. Same with my Duns. So I guess it is just a few of each variety who made them from what they had and that is why you see such a difference.

Good luck on your projects!
It is a lot of work and a slow process, it's not like mixing blue and red paint and getting purple. And we are so limited over here on our colors. I know from experience breeding out to a yellow skinned bird even though the next generation may have pink skin the yellow will re-appear periodically........

Gotta LUV
those projects! How else would we get new colors/variety
. Keep up the good work!!
When dealing with these traits like yellow skin you really need to only use the pullets and take them back to White skin males. Even then that trait can still pop up in future generations when you use males from those hens
Have to give an update on my little/big english girl. I had first posted that she started laying last Monday then later I found a soft shelled egg under the bedding so she must have started on Sunday last week. Anyway I just have to say that this little lady has given me an egg every day since. From last Monday through today I have gotten 7 eggs not counting that soft shelled one. I don't think that I've ever had a young pullet lay like she has of any breeds. I think this is just pretty amazing. They are a little on the small/medium side but I know they will get larger. The last two seem to be a little nicer. Nice shape now and nice egg texture. I am very satisfied. You all may think me silly but I just wasn't expecting this nice of a surprise from these birds. Thanks again Jeremy for this pair and thank you Joy and Julie for bringing these birds to us.
Now, I'm working with the Lemon Cuckoos. I have my largest Lemon boy in with three Buff Orpington hens from the Hinkjc line. I have some of their eggs in the incubator. Now once they hatch out do I breed the pullets back to their dad? Is the correct? My three BO hens have a nice size and shape. They look a whole lot better than my pure LC pullets. Wow!

~ Aspen
Now, I'm working with the Lemon Cuckoos. I have my largest Lemon boy in with three Buff Orpington hens from the Hinkjc line. I have some of their eggs in the incubator. Now once they hatch out do I breed the pullets back to their dad? Is the correct? My three BO hens have a nice size and shape. They look a whole lot better than my pure LC pullets. Wow!

~ Aspen

You said the BO's are nicer type. I would take the offspring to each other to assure your not reinforcing the lesser quality type. Once you have introduced the better genetics you should be able to get some offspring from that breeding of brother to sister which has the type you want and also have the Lemon Cuckoo gene you seek. But this is just me. Others may only want to get the Lemon Cuckoos to sell eggs right way/ Really depends on where you like to go with this variety..
What is a reasonable price for pure english LF lavender chicks? how much better would pure english be than three quarters english? Thanks!

Edited 'cause our computer doesn't catch all the letters you type if you type fast. So irritating!!!!!!
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