The Moonshiner's Chick Chat

If you like I can send you few eggs. I'll make sure to pick out hens only
They would be my dream broodies. I've tossed the idea around for a couple years but just never wanted to deal with any males.
Just not set up for the separation needs they'd take.
2 stories for the price of 1:

1) So these chicks do a new thing I've never noticed before when they're in the dark alone. They flare their wings out like a broody mama, and then lay on the ground as flat as possible so they look like they're bowing. They lay still until they think they're safe, and then shuffle forwards a few steps and stop again, never rising. The funniest thing I've ever seen, I might try to get a picture tomorrow night if it happens. The Cornish bantams and one mosaic/mosaic mix were pretty good at this. The others... not so much. But I have never seen this before in any birds I've had.

2) My mystery pullet (thinking a game bantam) is absolutely nuts at bedtime. It's dark, so obviously it's somewhat scary, I understand that. Most of the birds lay there and accept their fate when I grab them. Some cry and flap and kick before accepting fate.

She, however, screams. Screams loud enough I'm sure she's got a 3rd lung or something helping make this volume that probably woke the neighborhood up. She's flying around the pen like a freaking finch would, making the rest inside the house panic and flee back into the run. And then a 2nd time before I shut them in so it doesn't happen a 3rd time.

She gets out and is running through the chicken trailer park, in pitch darkness, before I finally grab her enough to tuck her into my stomach and muffle the screams still coming from this teeny little thing as we get back into the coop.

I guarantee that the coyotes will be nearby tonight, and I'm praying no one snuck out and got left behind. I didn't see anyone, but my eyesight isn't as good as a predator in the dark.
Have around 20 chicks so far in the hatcher.
I have five more in mine. I didn't have time to pull them before work. Hopefully, they are fine in there today.
We need yellow bucket pics!
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They would be my dream broodies. I've tossed the idea around for a couple years but just never wanted to deal with any males.
Just not set up for the separation needs they'd take.
Bantam Cochins?
2 stories for the price of 1:

1) So these chicks do a new thing I've never noticed before when they're in the dark alone. They flare their wings out like a broody mama, and then lay on the ground as flat as possible so they look like they're bowing. They lay still until they think they're safe, and then shuffle forwards a few steps and stop again, never rising. The funniest thing I've ever seen, I might try to get a picture tomorrow night if it happens. The Cornish bantams and one mosaic/mosaic mix were pretty good at this. The others... not so much. But I have never seen this before in any birds I've had.

2) My mystery pullet (thinking a game bantam) is absolutely nuts at bedtime. It's dark, so obviously it's somewhat scary, I understand that. Most of the birds lay there and accept their fate when I grab them. Some cry and flap and kick before accepting fate.

She, however, screams. Screams loud enough I'm sure she's got a 3rd lung or something helping make this volume that probably woke the neighborhood up. She's flying around the pen like a freaking finch would, making the rest inside the house panic and flee back into the run. And then a 2nd time before I shut them in so it doesn't happen a 3rd time.

She gets out and is running through the chicken trailer park, in pitch darkness, before I finally grab her enough to tuck her into my stomach and muffle the screams still coming from this teeny little thing as we get back into the coop.

I guarantee that the coyotes will be nearby tonight, and I'm praying no one snuck out and got left behind. I didn't see anyone, but my eyesight isn't as good as a predator in the dark.
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