The Moonshiner's Chick Chat

Maybe they hatching early cause it’s so dang hot!
I think you're right.

Last decent size batch from the Pepsi bator is due for lockdown tomorrow. I'm thinking I should go ahead and move them tonight.
It's gonna be pretty barren in the ol incubator after that.
One more batch but it's not even a full turners worth.

I thought about updating my article and when back through some numbers. Next year should be a big year. It'll be the 4th year of using it. This last batch will mark the 78th hatch in it. If next year goes well I should make it to the 100th hatch by end of season.
With 1,786 chicks hatched as of last year and this year another 1,000 give or take this year I should blow by 3,000 chicks. Should get passed 3,500 but not sure how many all try for next year.
I’m actually going into fall with an empty apartment in the new big pen (last one I built), A-frame empty and the rooster overflow pen is empty. I know you’re wondering why I’m bragging about that but it is quite an accomplishment for me to not be in a bind trying to figure out where to put chickens.

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