The Moonshiner's Chick Chat

I need to combine some of my pens and make room for new birds. Right now, I have one empty apartment suitable for keeping them safe. I don’t count the rooster overflow coz it’s safe (kind of) but a little breeezy.
I need to combine some of my pens and make room for new birds. Right now, I have one empty apartment suitable for keeping them safe. I don’t count the rooster overflow coz it’s safe (kind of) but a little breeezy.
🤦🏼‍♀️…By breeezy, do you mean confusing or at-risk of becoming dinner?
Nest box? No they don't get one of those.
In the hen pen I have a small breeding pen built up off the ground and against the back wall. When I built it I had planned on putting another one on top of it. (Never did cause it would be pretty high and I don't want to have to stand on a bucket or something to get to it) anyways the top of the pen is plywood with a 2x4 frame around it on top. That was to keep the shavings in. It's like a shelf and that's where they lay. So one big box.
The pullet pen has a 100 gallon horse water trough that's a brooder. It was just being stored in there but they wanted to use it as a nest box so I've left it there until I decide I need it. So ya one big box there too.
Ah, I see. My girls aren’t even using the nesting box from last year anymore and have been laying their eggs in the smaller chicken coop within the shed lately…No thanks to my matriarch hen BG who led them all on to do that…And I dunno how my turkey hen fits her big a** in there too, but she does…I guess it’s time for me to make some minor adjustments ⚒️
The two Chocolate Orpingtons started laying. I've got 4 eggs so far. When I brought the egg flat in with 2 brown eggs the boy was rather confused. He was like wth, what are those? Lol, he's never seen brown eggs I guess. At least not from here.
I should say at least they weren’t rabbit poo-coloured but someone might take that the wrong way and go all 50 shades of brown on me or some sh*t lol
Hey, don't try to dirty it up, lol
Innocent until proven else-wise 😇

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