The NAIS - Why are they being so pushy???


Premium Feather Member
11 Years
Mar 25, 2008
Let me start by giving you a little backround on this subject. After I bought my chicks at Easter time, I started getting worried that they were sick. I called all of my vets around here and nobody could help me out. (Scarey to think I don't have a vet to help me if I need it, I know! Thank heavens I have all of you!) In fact, one vets office even questioned me as to why these 5 day old chicks were not with their momma!
Anyhow, I found a phone number for our regions USDA office and spoke with a very nice vet who helped me with my chicks. They are better now (I think I was just over-worrying to begin with), but now I am getting all of these e-mails and phone calls about signing up for the NAIS from this vet. I finally told her exactly what I think of the system this morning. I tried to be as polite as I could. I told her that I could see that the system might be beneficial to large and commercial farms, but could see no benefit for the little man. I also told her that I didn't like the fact that I would be giving the gov. permission to just come onto my property whenever they wanted, and take away my animals. I also had to add that the system was just another way for the government to take away our rights. Needless to say, I think she now knows how I feel about the NAIS! Hopefully she will leave me alone now!

-Sorry to any of you who are NAIS advocates. I really just don't see any benefit in doing this.

-Edited for spelling errors. OOPS!
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I just received an e-mail from the vet at the USDA who has been being pushy about this whole thing. I think she got the message this time around!
I am on the list, you are right. The catch here is that I have not signed anything or given any consent for them to come onto my property. If they do, they are trespassing and could be prosecuted by the law. You have just given me a great idea, by the way! I am going to post no trespassing signs, A.S.A.P. That will help with courts, if need be. I am not and will not be a member of the NAIS, therefore, I am not subject to their laws.

Edited for stupidity on my part!
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The N.A.I.S. is an attempt by a government agency to transfer the burdens of their charter onto industry. Thus if you are not in the industry under their control they will seek to eliminate you from the landscape entirely.

N.A.I.S. = Big Brother :thun
There is a reason that the United States is not overrun with diseases like Bird Flu, Classic Swine Fever, Pseudorabies, Foot and Mouth Disease, etc.

That reason is the outstanding work of the USDA in preventing disease from entering the US and when it does, taking extensive precautions to control any spread by having a database of animals (herds, flocks, etc.) to help establish quarantine zones and yes in critical cases, targeted animals to be eliminated to control the spread of these diseases.

I believe most of you have seen the devastating effects of foot and mouth disease in the UK. Do you want a similar situation to occur in the US? I for one have no problem sacrificing my small flock in an emergency situation if it is to protect american agriculture and our safe food supply. Sometimes Big Brother is a good thing.
Remember that NAIS is under Homeland Security. We all know what that means, don't we? If fully implemented as mandatory, your No Trespassing Signs mean squat. They do not have to obey the Constitution, get a warrant, uphold your rights, obey the laws, nothing. They can basically do as they please, why they please, no explanation necessary. Even those who register, thinking this is all voluntary and innocent, will lose all private property rights when it's suddenly declared mandatory. They've already walked into it like chickens following corn into a trapnest.

Sometimes Big Brother is a good thing.

Big Brother is NEVER a good thing. Killing perfectly healthy animals and wiping out an entire way of life is NEVER a good thing.​
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I submit that you are attempting to argue facts not in evidence. What fortunes the U.S. has seen in the control of diseases in the ag industry stem from education programs and the N.A.I.S. has absolutely nothing to do with that. It is not necessary to know the name and address of every student in a classroom in order to teach a given lesson.

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