The new (human) baby thread...

Awww, Olivia is SOOOOOOOO cute... love her little dimples!
I love these pics with baby smiles they really brighten the evening.

My computer keeps shutting itself off and I never know when it will happen so if I am missing for a while sorry.
Olivia is 3 months old now! wow does time fly! a couple questions! i know drs say to wait til they are around 5 months b4 cereal but is it okay to give it to her now she just seems like she is hungry all the time she is formula fed! ? also when should she start to roll over?

I had started little man on some cereal but he was spitting it up pretty bad, so I've backed off for now. I figure breast milk/formula is really all he needs at this point, since he doesn't even have a tooth in his mouth.

Ethan is working hard to get that back to tummy flip down. He gets way over on his side but hasn't quite mastered getting his arm out of the way. So his mommy helps him do it and then claps and cheers for him.
I love having a baby again!
Wyatt will be 3 months on Halloween. I can't believe it! He can now roll almost all the way over from back to tummy...he gets all the way over, but can't get his arm out from under him and gets MAD.
When my DD was a baby she had one of these... ... and she loved it. I have video of her (and my then 3 year old son) playing with it. I really want Ethan to have one but they don't make them anymore.

What are y'all getting your babies for Christmas. With all the recent toy recalls it's almost scary getting kids anything!
I saw that one on ebay, and I don't mind second hand, but it's missing a lot of pieces. Now that I know the name of it, and since it'll be a while before he can play with it, I'll keep looking for one. Too bad the thrift stores around here no longer carry baby toys.
there was one on too but you'd need to ask the seller if they're willing to send internationally

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