The Phippy Flock


In the Brooder
Jun 8, 2021
Our flock began last year when my son asked for chickens for his 9th birthday. We did some research, and since we suddenly had time at home (here's one benefit to the covid quarantines), we let him pick up 4 chicks. He raised them up with tons of love and produced 4 lap-chickens. So... here are our ladies now:

Cutie Patootie, an Amberlink, who is my son's favorite. She is the resident head-snuggle hen. She will happily fall asleep on you if you giver her time to.

Sir-Pecks-A-Lot "Peckish", our Barred Rock, who earned her name many times over and is the boss-lady.

Tigger, our Barnevelder, who is our sweet independent girl.

Our fourth original girl, Miss Nugget Fryerson, our Wyandotte, was sadly killed in a raccoon attack about two months ago. We miss her. The attack was very shocking. The coon peeled open the plywood side of the coop.

About 9 months after getting the original four, my other kid insisted that she wanted her OWN chicken for her birthday, so we found Phoenix "FiFi", our crested cream leg bar. She was about 8 months old when we got her and has developed into a beautiful little hen. She is a bit more skittish than the others (not hand raised) but is sweet as can be once she is in arms.

Finally, after the loss of Nugget this spring, we shored up the coop and decided we needed some new babies. Brought home two (should be more but we live in a 6-chicken-limit city)
This is Pippington Squeak (Pip), our new speckled sussex, and Mini Dumpling (Dumpling), our gold polish. Pip is an adventurer, and will probably be challenging for boss-lady status one day. Dumpling on the other hand will walk over and climb into any waiting lap. They're about 5 weeks old in these pictures.

The babies aren't out with the big girls yet except for limited supervised free range time. We're looking forward to seeing them grow.
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Our flock began last year when my son asked for chickens for his 9th birthday. We did some research, and since we suddenly had time at home (here's one benefit to the covid quarantines), we let him pick up 4 chicks. He raised them up with tons of love and produced 4 lap-chickens. So... here are our ladies now:

Cutie Patootie, an Amberlink, who is my son's favorite. She is the resident head-snuggle hen. She will happily fall asleep on you if you giver her time to.
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Sir-Pecks-A-Lot "Peckish", our Barred Rock, who earned her name many times over and is the boss-lady.
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Tigger, our Barnevelder, who is our sweet independent girl.
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Our fourth original girl, Miss Nugget Fryerson, our Wyandotte, was sadly killed in a raccoon attack about two months ago. We miss her. The attack was very shocking. The coon peeled open the plywood side of the coop.
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About 9 months after getting the original four, my other kid insisted that she wanted her OWN chicken for her birthday, so we found Phoenix "FiFi", our crested cream leg bar. She was about 8 months old when we got her and has developed into a beautiful little hen. She is a bit more skittish than the others (not hand raised) but is sweet as can be once she is in arms.
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Finally, after the loss of Nugget this spring, we shored up the coop and decided we needed some new babies. Brought home two (should be more but we live in a 6-chicken-limit city)
This is Pippington Squeak (Pip), our new speckled sussex, and Mini Dumpling (Dumpling), our gold polish. Pip is an adventurer, and will probably be challenging for boss-lady status one day. Dumpling on the other hand will walk over and climb into any waiting lap. They're about 5 weeks old in these pictures.
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The babies aren't out with the big girls yet except for limited supervised free range time. We're looking forward to seeing them grow.
Yes..wonderful for kids to raise chicks and happy for you!
Pip has started growing very roostery saddle feathers and probably need to head to a new home soon, and well, "chicken math" we've added two more babies:
Snuggles, a Black Laced Red Wyandotte and Linguini Noodles, a Russian Orloff. They're about 3 weeks old.
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IMO kids need this type of experience growing up. You are giving your kiddos such a beautiful gift! Great job, and your chickens are gorgeous! ❤️

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