The Pita Pinta Asturiana

Well, this is truly a test hatch in every way. After all the chicks I hatched last year, I made a couple mistakes with this batch. I was using a clear plastic container from Costco to keep the 3 biggest hen eggs separate from the pullet eggs. One chick hatched yesterday evening and it didn't dawn on me until the middle of the night that I forgot to put paper towel or shelf liner in the bottom of the container. Poor chick was on it's back because it couldn't stand on the slick surface. Sigh... So I opened my Hovabator and pulled the chick out into the main part with the other ones. He/she is a big, fluffy chick and is doing fine now. Then I had 2 that pipped and partial zipped then stopped for over 12 hours. So, I intervened and helped them because they were shrink wrapped in the egg. It was at this point that I remembered that I stopped hatching eggs in the cut down egg cartons and opted for hatching them on their side. It worked much better for me last year doing it that way.

Then this morning, I let my birds out and my broody was having a major fit in her dog kennel. I opened the door to check on her and she bolted out. She had 3 chicks in the process of hatching. Not knowing if she would be back or when she would come back, I grabbed the 3 and stuck them in the incubator. She still has 3 unhatched eggs without pips and she finally came back to the nest. Of the 3 that I grabbed, 2 are shrink wrapped in the shell so I will give them a little time and then help if I have to.

I am hoping that the next hatch four days from now goes smoother.

Next time, use the rubber shelf liners inside the plastic container.
Next time, use the rubber shelf liners inside the plastic container.
That's what I did all last year. I hatched around 200 chicks last year but just forgot the liner with this first hatch. I knew there was a reason why I woke up at 1 AM and couldn't go back to sleep!
Well, I have had a good start to my day! Ethel has a Blue Marans out and a Pita Pinta that just hatched fluffing up under her. Hoping for more in a few hours! You can just barely see the PP in the top photo on the left. The little Blue stuck her head out to look around, so the second photo I had longer to get, so is much clearer!

Well, I have had a good start to my day! Ethel has a Blue Marans out and a Pita Pinta that just hatched fluffing up under her. Hoping for more in a few hours! You can just barely see the PP in the top photo on the left. The little Blue stuck her head out to look around, so the second photo I had longer to get, so is much clearer!

Yeah!!! It looks like Ethel is one happy mama!
So cool to see the chicks!!

I got some cute shots of my girls enjoying the sun just now. The chicken nap one is very off center because they wanted to lie down right next to my feet :))), which I was trying to keep out of the frame.




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