The Precious gets a friend...or not *pg. 8 w/ pics*

I hate to encourage this, but my nephew fell in love with a little chick last Fall he named "Tweet", and my sister did get bird diapers from the pet store so he could keep the baby inside and play with it. He pushed that little bird around in the back of a large plastic dump truck and chattered away at it for two months- the novelty never wore off for him...but it did eventually wear off for my sister, who sent the SUPER tame bird back to my house
OMG your daughter is a silkie minion!!! Beautiful eyes on that child.
That silkie knew EXACTLY what it was doing.
It just doesn't get any cuter than a little fuzzy butt peaking out from the sleeping bag.
That's a feather duster, btw...The precious didn't turn me into a chicken...yet.

Oh, thank goodness for this. I have one viable egg getting ready to go into the hatcher and wondered what to do.

Have you tried giving the singlet a mirror? I wondered if these little loners would like 'company'.
Oh, thank goodness for this. I have one viable egg getting ready to go into the hatcher and wondered what to do.

Have you tried giving the singlet a mirror? I wondered if these little loners would like 'company'.

See it's not even hatched yet and it's working it's EVIL on you! Got you thinking about more and more! IT's contagious!

My silkie and my possessed daughter would have gone for the sling big time if I had thought to come here and ask how to stop the screaming whilst the evil one was alone.

Said daughter has been known to work the same voodoo the evil ones do.

Thanks for the sweet words about the child.

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