The Rhodebar thread!

I have to admit, I am not impressed by the Rhodebars at all so far. Not strong like the legbars, out of twelve ended up with 6. out of 3 cocks, only one is pretty.
I have to admit, I am not impressed by the Rhodebars at all so far. Not strong like the legbars, out of twelve ended up with 6. out of 3 cocks, only one is pretty.
Do you think you could post pics? Both good and bad? Would help others a lot...
Sheri I am still really liking purple. The unbanded cockerels look a lot more like my Rhodie.

I keep jumping back and forth... they are both double barred, but I like ( and dislike) different things about each one.
I am planning to use both... I will use one with the pullet above, the other will go over a HRIR.
I was planning to breed the 2nd to a couple of HRIR, but... one of my RC is growing out a SC, so I figured she'd be the wise one to use under one of the RB cockerels.

So... can you pick the two apart? I never take offense... just trying to analyze them... what do you like and dislike about each?
I let Rhodie and my Red cockerel out to free range yesterday. Here is an updated pic of Rhodie at about 6 months old. Sorry it's not the best pic but all I had was my cell phone camera.


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