The tiny serama; a Hatching adventure

Oh yeah, those definitely couldn't interbreed. I'd think that under normal circumstances, these bobwhite subspecies wouldn't interbreed, but with their numbers decreasing, they might start to (as in the case of wolf and jackal, or even coyote hybridization). In the decades to come, I'd imagine the two subscepcies of bobwhite would diverge even more, eventually becoming two distinct species in the far, far future (as in the case of galapagos finches). But if they start interbreeding, that will never happen
I am not sure about species in the wild, not that they couldn't interbreed, but do they is the question. Mine mixed but mine being pen/hand raised are different, further away from their wild instincts. On this note, they definitely won't cross breed....Bobwhite to Coturnix, Gambels to California Quail for example. Very different species.
Yesssssss, it can be stressful! We love our birds. ❤️ That is such a clever idea! I’ve been raising birds for so many years (chickens, quail, turkeys, pheasants, exotics), but I’m always so grateful for the new things I learn from friends. 🥰 I have a peach-fronted female conure, Stafford. She does lots with me including riding the atv, utv, tractors. She listens very well and enjoys doing chores with me. One time (and I admit I missed a regular wing trim), she was in the garden with me. Suddenly, she decided to go for a quick little flight. That normally meant she would flap her wings and flutter down into the grass. Well, she did the usual, BUT she then took flight (to her surprise) and landed several hundred yards down into one of the hayfields. Then she proceeded to scream at the top of her lungs. I didn’t know I could could run so fast that day! When I got to her, she was completely camouflaged into the grass. Thank goodness a hawk couldn’t spot her before I got there!

Aw, how sweet! If that ever happened to me, my screams would be heard across the valley. I don't know how you could (relatively) keep your cool, but BRAVO! I might've even fainted
Good (late) morning everyone! I might've candled, and let's just say I'm jumping with joy :wee !

Out of the four serama eggs I candled, ALL were developing! To be specific, the eggs of @Debbie292d , @GreenJay , @TwoCrows and @WoDia were candled. Your cheering efforts have been paying off peeps, so keep 'em coming! As far as the Tsouloufates go, I could not tell a thing. I pulled number 5 (unclaimed) because it had a huge crack that I can't understand how I missed. All the others (well, from the few I candled) didn't have any cracks, but there wasn't anything to see in general. Granted, there was a LOT of light creeping in, and the shells are a lot darker than the shells of the serama. The only egg I saw a teeny bit of vein was on @tlcmurphy 's Jelly Bean
Let’s go eggies! Time to grow Jelly Bean 🙂
Aw, how sweet! If that ever happened to me, my screams would be heard across the valley. I don't know how you could (relatively) keep your cool, but BRAVO! I might've even fainted
I was nearly crying! Since then, I’m definitely more careful with her. She”ll be 15 at the end of the month and still enjoying her outside time… but usually within the safety of a huge cage.
I think you should tell us that story sometime. 😊

I've told this story on another thread before, so I think TwoCrows and Wind will remember it. I'd taken all the serama out for some free ranging. Lady Gaga immediately went to the side of the mix breed bantam pen and was running up and down, trying to court them. Suddenly, I couldn't find him. Only heard courting peeps. Searched for about thirty seconds, before coming close to the sound; he'd stuffed himself in between the two pieces of the wire fence and he was stuck for good. With some pulling at tugging, and maneuvering, he was out. He went right back to woo-ing:th
Yesssssss, it can be stressful! We love our birds. ❤️ That is such a clever idea! I’ve been raising birds for so many years (chickens, quail, turkeys, pheasants, exotics), but I’m always so grateful for the new things I learn from friends. 🥰 I have a peach-fronted female conure, Stafford. She does lots with me including riding the atv, utv, tractors. She listens very well and enjoys doing chores with me. One time (and I admit I missed a regular wing trim), she was in the garden with me. Suddenly, she decided to go for a quick little flight. That normally meant she would flap her wings and flutter down into the grass. Well, she did the usual, BUT she then took flight (to her surprise) and landed several hundred yards down into one of the hayfields. Then she proceeded to scream at the top of her lungs. I didn’t know I could could run so fast that day! When I got to her, she was completely camouflaged into the grass. Thank goodness a hawk couldn’t spot her before I got there!
Oh gosh, I know EXACTLY how you felt when Stafford flew off!! :hugs :hugs I am so glad you got her back!! ❤ The same thing happened to me, I had a Cockatiel that loved to sit on my shoulder and would stay there even if I went outside.(In hindsight this was dangerous and I'm not sure why I didn't think this at the time. :he) I went outside on the porch one day with Peepers on my shoulder, all of a sudden he took off! He did wide circles around the house going higher and higher, meanwhile I hear him calling with joy, this must have been thrilling for him!! 🤣 Not for me, 😢 :barnie I was screaming his name, PEEP! PEEP! PEEP! He just kept circling and circling getting higher and higher, then he just dropped down and landed in the front yard! He was exhausted and breathing hard, I ran over to him and grabbed him in relief! Dang bird nearly killed me that day. :barnie I was sure he was a goner. Never AGAIN did I go outside with him on my shoulder, that was the first and last adventure in flight Peepers ever got. 🤣
I've told this story on another thread before, so I think TwoCrows and Wind will remember it. I'd taken all the serama out for some free ranging. Lady Gaga immediately went to the side of the mix breed bantam pen and was running up and down, trying to court them. Suddenly, I couldn't find him. Only heard courting peeps. Searched for about thirty seconds, before coming close to the sound; he'd stuffed himself in between the two pieces of the wire fence and he was stuck for good. With some pulling at tugging, and maneuvering, he was out. He went right back to woo-ing:th
I remember you telling this story, this is SO funny! :gig They sure get focused on the ladies and don't pay attention to where they are going! :lau
Oh gosh, I know EXACTLY how you felt when Stafford flew off!! :hugs :hugs I am so glad you got her back!! ❤ The same thing happened to me, I had a Cockatiel that loved to sit on my shoulder and would stay there even if I went outside.(In hindsight this was dangerous and I'm not sure why I didn't think this at the time. :he) I went outside on the porch one day with Peepers on my shoulder, all of a sudden he took off! He did wide circles around the house going higher and higher, meanwhile I hear him calling with joy, this must have been thrilling for him!! 🤣 Not for me, 😢 :barnie I was screaming his name, PEEP! PEEP! PEEP! He just kept circling and circling getting higher and higher, then he just dropped down and landed in the front yard! He was exhausted and breathing hard, I ran over to him and grabbed him in relief! Dang bird nearly killed me that day. :barnie I was sure he was a goner. Never AGAIN did I go outside with him on my shoulder, that was the first and last adventure in flight Peepers ever got. 🤣

Glad you got him back safe! When I had my budgie, I dreamt of him flying away three times. That was enough for me to keep him an indoor budgie only:lau

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