The Welsummer Thread!!!!

I would love to know how that bi colored legs came about. Freaky!
First of all, I know diddly-squat about genetics (tried to figure it out, but gave up half-way; did ferret out some useful information about the barring factor compliments of Dr. Sakamoto (?) of UofArk in Fayetteville--spelling?). Seems to me, though, that I once heard that mating green legged to yellow legged will intensify the yellow leg color, but that some in-between stuff may occur. I don't know if that is true or not. On occasion I end up with a green legged SC blue Lehorn (not an APA's SOP recognized variety) and also once a Norwegian Jaer pullet with greenish/yellow legs. Could somebody provide some input on this?
I hatched some SC Rhode Is. Whites last year, and 4 of the 9 had green legs! First time I ever saw that.
Must be a mutation.
And a chick shed

And shipping boxes for chicks and adults......

Need more?????????

Yup I remember this past January when I told my husband I wanted to get a small coop and have just two hens. The next the the poor man knew I had my power tools and a pile of wood out back building my coop and run complete with an automatic waterer and a solar powered hen door with light sensor. I have 9 girls outside and 7 in the brooder with ages ranging from 17 weeks - 2 weeks. Everyday I have to fight the driving desire to get just two more...oh and did I mention that I have at least one Welsummer Rooster (possibly 2) in the brooder with a possible Frizzle rooster to boot......Yeah 2 hens my Aunt Fanny....once the chicken bug has you by the tail feathers it's over lol.
First of all, I know diddly-squat about genetics (tried to figure it out, but gave up half-way; did ferret out some useful information about the barring factor compliments of Dr. Sakamoto (?) of UofArk in Fayetteville--spelling?). Seems to me, though, that I once heard that mating green legged to yellow legged will intensify the yellow leg color, but that some in-between stuff may occur. I don't know if that is true or not. On occasion I end up with a green legged SC blue Lehorn (not an APA's SOP recognized variety) and also once a Norwegian Jaer pullet with greenish/yellow legs. Could somebody provide some input on this?
I am thinking that probably it is something like a mix of yellow leg and slate /blue-grey. Blue and yellow make green....
Just know you have company in genetic diddly-squat-ville.

I too was thinking mutation. That is just weird!
Yup I remember this past January when I told my husband I wanted to get a small coop and have just two hens. The next the the poor man knew I had my power tools and a pile of wood out back building my coop and run complete with an automatic waterer and a solar powered hen door with light sensor. I have 9 girls outside and 7 in the brooder with ages ranging from 17 weeks - 2 weeks. Everyday I have to fight the driving desire to get just two more...oh and did I mention that I have at least one Welsummer Rooster (possibly 2) in the brooder with a possible Frizzle rooster to boot......Yeah 2 hens my Aunt Fanny....once the chicken bug has you by the tail feathers it's over lol.

Thats about what happened here! I was told yesterday that I can get no more chickens! We have 11 6 welsummer/rir girls & 1 welsummer/rir rooster, 2 cinnamon queens, 2 buff orpingtons.
Marcel, could you also tell us whether the yellow vs. orange legs are due to genetic (specific genes) or some other environmental or outside influence? It seems to me that if the orange is genetic in some nature, that it may be in the yellow legged birds but just to a much lesser degree.

Also, do you see a direct correlation between leg color and skin color?

God Bless,
Marcel - I noticed that some of those had very orange legs and some of them had bright yellow legs.  Which is the preferred leg color in your area the orange or the bright yellow. 

I was curious if someone would see it and YOU did!
The leg compared with the orange roset is an extreme leg colour, something we don't want in the Netherlands. We prefer the

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