The Welsummer Thread!!!!

Yep too hot in most of the country to ship and that has me worried as I have babies that are suppose to be coming from Florida anyday. They should have arrived earlier than now but it just wasn't possible. I had a horrible nightmare about it the night before last. Biting nails and pulling out my hair until they get here.

Let us know how you babies fair in the heat. I am waiting with you for a successful trip.

Thanks!!! It is nerve wracking!
Welsummer chicks? Most places this time of year that ship send 15 or so in a 25 chick box... which works out very well, I had some last week and made it fine! :)

Nope...not Wellies. I was just referencing the shipping topic. Glad to hear that your chicks made it safely. That is great news!

I only ordered 12 chicks......
In my flock of two month olds, three splash BLRW pullets, a pair of Dominiques and two Wellie pullets. I noticed that the pretty Wellie girls are larger and hold their heads up high, however they are the least adventuresome of all the birds. It is so interesting to observe how these birds interact and how they do not interact. But they are equal at bedtime and fight for their favorite position on the roosts.

I get a kick out of watching the different breeds and learning what makes them each different too. It amazes me just how different each breed is .......feathers, body, feet, beaks, eggs.....and I used think a chicken was just a chicken!
A question for you experienced Wellie breeders. Who has the best quality wellies? I want to add girls for my rooster, Moose, and I want top quality. I know Tailfeathers has really nice birds. Who else? What would be my best bet to add to my flock?

ETA: I want LF not bantam.
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Do you by chance know the bloodline?


I don't, but I can find out from Nancy.

Nancy got back to me and this is what she wrote:

Well, I know that I have three bloodlines in this flock....My original flock was barber but not 100% barber, I also have the blood lines of two local farmers (non hatchery) and have selectively hatched the darkest of all eggs, so I think we may be fast approaching the "Garry" bloodline known to BYC as bargain. One of the farmers insists his daughter got him eggs from the whitmire farm, but I think he means whitmore farm, but he's about 80 years old and I cannot argue with him. Said daughter bought them from him up in washington dc at a farmers market....Sure sounds like whitmore. The other farmer travelled to florida and bought some eggs there while on vacation from a person near pensacola. Found them through a local ad. He just liked the color and he has no clue nor did he keep the person's name....His flock was over 6 years old when I got eggs from him several years ago.​

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