The Welsummer Thread!!!!

Thanks. I have several but I personally like him the best so I've put him in the breeder pen. In all honesty I've never looked at the standards. Some of my roos have spotted breasts and some don't. This one has such nice contrasting colors and a solid chest.
Thanks. I have several but I personally like him the best so I've put him in the breeder pen. In all honesty I've never looked at the standards. Some of my roos have spotted breasts and some don't. This one has such nice contrasting colors and a solid chest.

He has a very nice comb and colors and he seems to be very assurtive about himself! He does have a few brown feathers on the side of his chest so that is acceptable when you are talking about the brown feather ratio. I hope the saddle feathers are not white or have some white to it, it would be a real downer if there are some white into it. It is very difficult to eliminate that in future generations.

The hens are pretty as they can be, I like the colors on them. I know the photographs and lighting conditions can vary, I see their eyes are yellow than reddish....what color are their eyes actually? They certainly have yellow legs!!!!!

Now let's see the eggs!
Hi Wellie lovers!

I was contacted by a lady this week looking for hatching eggs.
She was looking for Marans and Welsummers and her husband
stopped on the way from work to pick them up.

I had a nice visit with him and his co-worker, talking chicken.
He had a delightful accent and I found he and his wife were
from the UK. They raised chickens there and were personal friends
with the poultry keeper for Prince Charles. They got their Welsummers
when in the UK directly from Prince Charles' flock!

I am going to email her and ask her to come on the thread and share
her story and any pictures she might have. I think it would be interesting
to hear of Wellies from across the pond and the royal flock in particular
Thanks. I have several but I personally like him the best so I've put him in the breeder pen. In all honesty I've never looked at the standards. Some of my roos have spotted breasts and some don't. This one has such nice contrasting colors and a solid chest.

He has a very nice comb and colors and he seems to be very assurtive about himself! He does have a few brown feathers on the side of his chest so that is acceptable when you are talking about the brown feather ratio. I hope the saddle feathers are not white or have some white to it, it would be a real downer if there are some white into it. It is very difficult to eliminate that in future generations.

The hens are pretty as they can be, I like the colors on them. I know the photographs and lighting conditions can vary, I see their eyes are yellow than reddish....what color are their eyes actually? They certainly have yellow legs!!!!!

Now let's see the eggs!

I have more pictures, including a couple of photos that are too light of the eggs, on my BYC page:

eggs are much darker than they appear in the photos and are normally speckled. None of the roos have white feathers but they have white fluff at the base of their tales as you can see on the roo in the photo. The other roos have a lot more brown spots here and there on their bodies and/or chest so that's why I liked this guy but then again, I've never read the standards for this breed. I also can't say for positive what color their eyes are, guess I never paid that much attention but I know they are a dark orangey color. I'll have to take a look tomorrow but off the top of my head I want to say they are about the same as the Marans eyes.

I guess I should take a look at the standards......

Here's a close up of some eyes:

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Please do share!

I've tried emailing to HRH and got no response from them when I inquired about his Welsummers and how he got started with Welsummers, where his flock came from (bloodlines) and pictures of the Welsummer eggs. Prince Charles is on the WCNA lets get some information about him and his flock!!!!!!!
ok, since we're looking at about this guy?


it's the only shot i have atm, hope to get better ones soon.
He came indirectly from okiehen's stock. I would really like to get more quality wellies this year.

Not very good pictures of them. If you can take some more pictures of them when they calm down some, they will be all right. Side views and front views are good shots to show.

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