The Welsummer Thread!!!!

Are you going to be listing any auctions from your various breeds?
Sorry to hear that, hopefully Louie will do better now

My DD came in with a surprise tonight when she went to check the chickens: I collected 2 Welsummer eggs this am and she brought another 1 in! We think that 1 of the younger girls we hatched out of eggs from Nate is laying, in the picture it is the top one and looks darker than the other 2 we have.

Are you going to be listing any auctions from your various breeds?

I'm taking lists now in order of payments. You can write me via PM or e-mail and let me know what you want and when you want them.

Thanks so much for your interest.

Does anybody actually use their Wellies as dual purpose and process them for meat? I really LOVE the look of them, especially those BEAUTIFUL roos, but I am wanting meat as well as eggs, and I am wondering how meaty they really are, and how fast or slowly they grow. I have some ordered, along with a few other breeds. (Mine are coming from Will Morrow of Whitmore.)

So how is their meat?
DH and I processed 2 extra wellie roosters today. (he does the killing part, I do the rest) One was quite a bit bigger than the other even though they were the same age. I don't have a scale, so I'm not sure of the carcass weight, but there appears to be a good amount of meat on them. They were 19 weeks.

I can let you know about the taste after we eat them.
My hatchery Welsummers have just started laying. I'm pleasantly surprised how good the color is. They're actually a little darker than they look in this photo:


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