The Welsummer Thread!!!!

Mrs. Eggna Beaker :

I have Welsummer hybrids... They are only 8wks now but in this pic they are closer to 5 or 6wks...... Some of them are the standard coloring but some are buff and white....I initially purchased these birds as meet birds but as a watch them grow and realize the eggs they produce I may only have 5 out of the 12 go into the freezer.
I separate them in brooders 6 and 6 this just one brooder box.

Question? Who's got the best Wellies in the nation? PM me if you don't mind. I need premium wellie stock. No junk. I've been through to many lines the past 5 years trying find something excellent. I need a good line to finish up the next two years of this project I've been on. Sick of all this trash I've been getting. My stock is good now but nothing. Like what I had 10 years ago. I'm very picky with welsummers.
NO ONE ever has the BEST Welsummers but it depends on what kind of Welsummer you are looking for? Are you looking for exhibition type OR best egg color layers? Or originality or the OLDEST directly from one breeder? We have a wide variety of Welsummer breeders that have their own goals, ambition and structure of their Welsummers. Or are you looking for popularity?

If you can, list each line of Welsummers you have and the pros and cons of each.....all of are curious and wanted to share notes.

watching this thread.Id love to know also.

NO ONE ever has the BEST Welsummers but it depends on what kind of Welsummer you are looking for? Are you looking for exhibition type OR best egg color layers? Or originality or the OLDEST directly from one breeder? We have a wide variety of Welsummer breeders that have their own goals, ambition and structure of their Welsummers. Or are you looking for popularity?

If you can, list each line of Welsummers you have and the pros and cons of each.....all of are curious and wanted to share notes.
My dark pullet laid her first egg today at 24 1/2 weeks.
A really good sized egg (almost as big as my adults) and really nice coloring for a first egg with nice speckles. (it's definitely darker than her mother's)
We'll see if the next few darken up more. I'll take pictures tomorrow, have to get ready to go to dinner.
NO ONE ever has the BEST Welsummers but it depends on what kind of Welsummer you are looking for? Are you looking for exhibition type OR best egg color layers? Or originality or the OLDEST directly from one breeder? We have a wide variety of Welsummer breeders that have their own goals, ambition and structure of their Welsummers. Or are you looking for popularity?

If you can, list each line of Welsummers you have and the pros and cons of each.....all of are curious and wanted to share notes.

So far I've had so called barber and grisham lines and everyone has been different. I'm not needing show or egg birds. I want true to dutch standard lines. A true dutch line or UK line always lay a big egg anyways with nice speckle to it. I need that body type. I guess I'm going to have to import. It needs to be done anyways.
Nate is wanting to import Dutch LF Welsummers for some time but with the losses of his birds and so forth, he would have to delay that goal.

There are some good breeders in the Dutch which Nate has sent some eggs thru his importer, and unfortunately the Dutch is trying to get darker eggs like ours. You might get the true type of a Dutch Welsummer but be expected to find lighter terra cotta eggs and not quite as dark as ours. That was the very reason why Nate sent some hatching eggs to one breeder and he got three. Only one made the cut which it was a pullet. That breeder was quite pleased how dark her eggs were and that pullet would be the important darker egg layer for the Dutch breed. It has been two years as far as I know whats happening in the Netherlands.

You would need to contact Marcel Eissels in Netherlands because he is part of our WCNA mentor about the Dutch lines and a very devout Dutch Welsummer breeder.

I like the Dutch Welsummers too! If you can import them, go for it!
Woo hoo! Good on ya! LOVE THE SPECKLES!!! Can't wait to see the photos!

My trio are are 18 weeks old now - I'm starting to get excited! The boy has been "active" with my 3 POLs (a BCM, an EE, and a Brown Leghorn) and my 2 Wellies as well. One of the girl's combs has turned a darker red, the other is still pale. These will be my first youngsters to lay. I will try to take photos of them this weekend if it's not too hot; it was 104 at 1:50 today, and it's hottest at 5:00 here, so I don't really know how hot it got today. Luckily everyone is doing fine. I don't have misters or fans yet; need to figure that out this weekend, too.... IT'S DEFINITELY SUMMER HERE!

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