The Welsummer Thread!!!!

What I can't figure out is how they manage to flip the sand up onto their backs so precisely just by flicking their feet. Looks like a seizure though, then they just lay there, dead like, just to see if you're still paying attention.
Hi Everyone! Hope you are all doing great! Sorry I haven't been around much lately....I got some serious catching up to do in here.

Chooks~ That darn girl!!!!! Geesh!

Put 6 Wellie eggs in the 'bator yesterday.
I have 2 Wellie hens that lay a very disappointing PALE brown egg. Blick. I'm wondering if keeping them (as their type is decent) is worth the effort of breeding for eventual better egg color in future generations? Or would I just be setting myself back?
I know nothing, so take this as worth that much...but I would add them to the laying flock and not worry about it. They would be wonderful showing birds, but for the breed as a whole, I would say I wouldn't breed them.

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