There are bigfoot pictures in Pennsylvania by auto camera

Me too. I think the article has long since been gone.

You do not have to worry, I will be fine XD
People go looking for Big Foot in Molalla alot

You might encounter something other than a big foot. This time of year, I would not be too concerned about a bear, but I sure would be about a mountain lion.
I finally got to watch the episode i was in on Finding Bigfoot. They sure didn't air all the stories from the town meeting. One told by a native man and his mother I will share since it is so amazing.
The mother told how the bigfoot that visits her place almost every spring decided to become a nuisance. She told that this bigfoot would always smack the side of there manufactured home a couple times every spring. Last year it stayed,keeping her and her husband awake for weeks. She said it would run its hands down the side of the house stopping at their window,it would then beat on the side of the house. She called her son who was a detective with the Fort Hall Police. He came out one night and hid on their haystack with a infrared camera. He said he expected to find some local kids as the culprit. As time went on the dogs at different houses would start barking and the livestock would start milling around. He could see the dogs and livestock easily but nothing else. He decided to change positions with the same result,he did this several times. Finally after looking thru his camera he seen it,it wasn't showing a heat signature but was a black void in its shape . He then became scared and headed to his truck. As he got of the haystack he noticed a group of them thru the heat sensor,all still as black shapes. He said he got freaked out and called for backup,to come in with no lights or sirens.. When backup arrived he had the group of cops come to him since they had firearms. He had them view the bigfoots also cause they believe him. Now they were all scared and walked as a group,one guy watching the group of bigfeet with the heat sensor. He said that group followed them 8 total. As the guy with the heat sensor turned he yelled out and drew his sidearm he claimed a very large one was next to them. They all had weapons out now. They could hear it grunt at them and watched as or ran almost a mile and then run back to them through the sensor. He claimed tjey harasses them all the way back to the vehicles. They were all scared to shoot believing it wouldnt hurt them. The man claimed the big one was 8' the others around 6' .
His mother told him that he made it worse,they became violent shaking the house,tearing things apart. She and her husband left for a while,moved in with a relative, until the bigfeet moved on.
These people seemed sincere,scared when they spoke about it, so I'm not certain why their story wasnt shown.
I finally got to watch the episode i was in on Finding Bigfoot. They sure didn't air all the stories from the town meeting. One told by a native man and his mother I will share since it is so amazing.
The mother told how the bigfoot that visits her place almost every spring decided to become a nuisance. She told that this bigfoot would always smack the side of there manufactured home a couple times every spring. Last year it stayed,keeping her and her husband awake for weeks. She said it would run its hands down the side of the house stopping at their window,it would then beat on the side of the house. She called her son who was a detective with the Fort Hall Police. He came out one night and hid on their haystack with a infrared camera. He said he expected to find some local kids as the culprit. As time went on the dogs at different houses would start barking and the livestock would start milling around. He could see the dogs and livestock easily but nothing else. He decided to change positions with the same result,he did this several times. Finally after looking thru his camera he seen it,it wasn't showing a heat signature but was a black void in its shape . He then became scared and headed to his truck. As he got of the haystack he noticed a group of them thru the heat sensor,all still as black shapes. He said he got freaked out and called for backup,to come in with no lights or sirens.. When backup arrived he had the group of cops come to him since they had firearms. He had them view the bigfoots also cause they believe him. Now they were all scared and walked as a group,one guy watching the group of bigfeet with the heat sensor. He said that group followed them 8 total. As the guy with the heat sensor turned he yelled out and drew his sidearm he claimed a very large one was next to them. They all had weapons out now. They could hear it grunt at them and watched as or ran almost a mile and then run back to them through the sensor. He claimed tjey harasses them all the way back to the vehicles. They were all scared to shoot believing it wouldnt hurt them. The man claimed the big one was 8' the others around 6' .
His mother told him that he made it worse,they became violent shaking the house,tearing things apart. She and her husband left for a while,moved in with a relative, until the bigfeet moved on.
These people seemed sincere,scared when they spoke about it, so I'm not certain why their story wasnt shown.
Cracked egg I watched you on the finding Bigfoot show today! Very cool to get to see it,
and they did say they believed you did see a Bigfoot. Thanks for sharing the other story with us. It sounds like a place they should have checked out. When I was young (early twenties) I lived in a trailer house in the boon docks I would hear something bang on the side and one time walk on the roof then the next morning large claw marks on the back door. I didn't think it was bigfoot because I thought it would be to heavy to walk around up there. I would get a feeling something was watching me at that house.
Anyway I really enjoyed watching you on the show. That video the kids took was pretty impressive. Looked real to me, I like to pick them apart couldn't see anything fake about that one. I think the Bigfoot hunters make to much noise and should try being quiet.
It was Finding Bigfoot : further evidence - Ripped from the headlines.

edited because I was really tired when I wrote that.
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