There are bigfoot pictures in Pennsylvania by auto camera

I know that all Native American tribes have a name for Sasquatch,all with the same basic description. There have been documented sightings in Idaho since the late 1800's and in states with longer histories,I am sure have sightings that date back further.
There is a reason why,I am sure that the same story told for hundreds of years is not a lie.
I have been in South Carolina for a week now,and the forest and swamps here could hide just about everything. I know I wouldn't want to be in them after dark.
I know that all Native American tribes have a name for Sasquatch,all with the same basic description. There have been documented sightings in Idaho since the late 1800's and in states with longer histories,I am sure have sightings that date back further.
There is a reason why,I am sure that the same story told for hundreds of years is not a lie.
I have been in South Carolina for a week now,and the forest and swamps here could hide just about everything. I know I wouldn't want to be in them after dark.
Early White settlers must also have encountered these creatures. I suspect if someone did a search of their journals, we would find mention of them. Since there was no known legends of bigfoot at the time, they would have interpreted what they saw from the context of their own culture.

The lady I knew that recalled seeing a bigfoot thought it was a Jaredite or Mulekite. She came from a Mormon background.

Because the face of the Sasquatch appears almost human, we find ourselves morally incapable of killing them. They just look too human.

That may not have been the case with some Native Americans.
Early White settlers must also have encountered these creatures. I suspect if someone did a search of their journals, we would find mention of them. Since there was no known legends of bigfoot at the time, they would have interpreted what they saw from the context of their own culture.

The lady I knew that recalled seeing a bigfoot thought it was a Jaredite or Mulekite. She came from a Mormon background.

Because the face of the Sasquatch appears almost human, we find ourselves morally incapable of killing them. They just look too human.

That may not have been the case with some Native Americans.

perhaps this is why the native tribes (or some of them) took scalps, perhaps it was something that scared off Big Foot groups?
Early White settlers must also have encountered these creatures. I suspect if someone did a search of their journals, we would find mention of them. Since there was no known legends of bigfoot at the time, they would have interpreted what they saw from the context of their own culture.

The lady I knew that recalled seeing a bigfoot thought it was a Jaredite or Mulekite. She came from a Mormon background.

Because the face of the Sasquatch appears almost human, we find ourselves morally incapable of killing them. They just look too human.

That may not have been the case with some Native Americans.
It's fun reading this thread.
Back when I was a teen- several decades ago. I loved to read about this kind of stuff. Stories of indigenous peoples, and their legends. As well as early settlers and explorers.
I don't remember the details, but read many stories of sasquatch. They almost all involved violence, death, cannibalism. Wonderful stuff at the time.
Being from Alaska & living here in Washington, I have often been asked if I ever saw one. I respond by saying "No" and the only way I ever want to see one is in the rear view mirror of my car; doing about 100 mph the other way.

Consider this:

Supposedly the camera was mounted nine feet up a tree. That means that the creature must have been very tall. If they handle the evidence carefully, they may get uncontaminated DNA.

Frankly, I think they are making a big mistake baiting the cameras with dead fish and gorilla pheromones. No decent animal is going to be attracted to such nasty stuff. They need to go with something that no animal can refuse: Jelly donuts with lots of icing. Then move on to Payday candy bars I would hold off on the chocolate, but sugar is the way to go.

perhaps this is why the native tribes (or some of them) took scalps, perhaps it was something that scared off Big Foot groups?
all the history that I have studied points to the French introducing scalping. During the war between France and England the scalp was proof that a allied tribe had slain a enemy and was then compensated. Scalping was then spread westward across the country. A few old books that I have read describes a skull found of a bigfoot in Montana by a Crow woman. She described it as having a seam that ran from the front to the back,a humans separates into two forks. She also describes the.base of the skull were the spine attaches as being as large as a mans wrist. A Blackfoot woman describes them as stalking her husband with their evil sneering faces hidden behind the trees until he turned his back to them.
Rufus,I do not see a difference between a vet and a doctor. It seems all the labs fail by saying it is not human ,not animal. How hard is it to say that the dna is from a undiscovered animal. The dna has to belong to a living organism,so why then is it always inconclusive. I am certain a vet has more than enough credentials.

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