There are bigfoot pictures in Pennsylvania by auto camera

Interesting, thanks for sharing. The guy did sound panicked and the first thing I would do is tell the kids to get in the house. On the other hand did look like it took to many steps on the road.
I so believe in Bigfoot
He's out there somewhere..
Wow, over four months and no one has had a bigfoot sighting. There are a lot of videos posted on Youtube, but most of them look like blobsquatches or outright fakes. Some even purport to have recorded sasquatch language. I really doubt that they are factual. Some of those whoops sound a lot like owls. One video has the sound of windmills on a wind farm. I thought, I know that noise.

And now there is some serious doubt about the DNA study. I wish someone or some lab would duplicated the study. I guess time will tell.
I'm a skeptic but i love the topic of bigfoot and i know a lot about them but until i see one for myself i do not believe in them, my dad saw something man like cross the road at night in a little town that is not at all well known and if anyone here knows of that town in new york tell me it is called Kerhonkson and it is ne another slightly bigger town called Elenville so please tell me if you no of these towns
I wonder if Cracked Egg has had any more interaction with these creatures. Hopefully, he wasn't eaten by them.

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