There are bigfoot pictures in Pennsylvania by auto camera

That looks like a Norwegian Troll. If he brings his side show into the wrong jurisdiction, he could face a murder charge. That would let us know if he is faking us again. I predict he will end up in the cold and stoney for fraud or murder.
Either way, it would be a bad story.
LOL rufus, no haven't seen or heard of anything for a while. There is a women around here writing a book on local sightings, she has some interesting stories and theories she shared.
I am still here lurking in the shadows , had a rough year breaking a ankle and then my ribs.

Oh no, your not out there wrestling big foot are you!
Seriously I hope your healing well and 2014 is a much better year for you. Good to hear from you, glad your still checking in with us.
Sorry to hear that cracked egg. Getting old is a pain in the neck, but it sure beats the alternative. Keep your eyes pealed for any big foot activity. I suspect they migrate from place to place on a seasonal schedule. They seem to appear in the same places about the same time of year. They may be following food sources.

Hope you get well soon.
Getting old sucks, my kids broke my ankle in a football game :) and broke my ribs when lava rocks I was standing on gave way. The books are called Bigfoot Lives in Idaho. It is surprising the number of sightings that occur in the sagebrush plains and lava fields here. Believe it or not a man had one try to drive the potatoes truck he was working on.
If the creature tried to drive a truck, that indicates that they are capable of learning and are curious about our way of life. I find it strange that they do not seem to use fire. Is it that they never learned how or is a cultural taboo? I guess we will find out someday.
If the creature tried to drive a truck, that indicates that they are capable of learning and are curious about our way of life. I find it strange that they do not seem to use fire. Is it that they never learned how or is a cultural taboo? I guess we will find out someday.

perhaps he uses dry wood for a nearly smokeless fire?

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