There are bigfoot pictures in Pennsylvania by auto camera

I suppose you are correct. But Chimps have learned to use fire, but only to smoke tobacco. I sure don't see them lighting the oven and making a pork roast.

I wonder if Chimps would smoke marijuana? Pot head apes! Just another thing to worry about.
No sightings of the big fellow? Do you suppose they hibernate? Or maybe they are all on the beach in Mexico.
Still no sightings of the big guy. Anyone seen one lately? If so, where? I suspect they migrate following the food that is available.
I have not heard of anything around my neck of the woods. The weather has been nasty here though with cold wind up to 50 mph the last.few weeks. It is snowing here currently and in the mountains there is still 4 ft of snow in areas.
I did find a video from last October on YouTube. I am not going to pretend I know how to create a link for it,but the video is titled two hunters film bigfoot in Idaho Wilderness Oct 2013.

after watching it a few times I think its a fake. The shape and movement just don't look right.
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I saw that video. It was impressive at first, then later I got to thinking about it. Now I have doubts.
Well Rufus I got a story for you. I took some of my turkey eggs down to the hatchery today and had a talk with a young man about something he experienced last week. This young man had been on the river bottoms near Ferry Butte camping. He told me he had a fire burning in a metal barrel using old posts for wood that were about 5 ft long. He woke up when one of the logs was thrown on him. Apparently he went back asleep thinking a friend was doing it when he was awaken again by another post landing next to him. Now that both of them were awake they figured to pretend to sleep to catch whoever was messing with them. According to him his friend seen it first and told him it was behind him in a tree with its eyes glowing red. He said he turned over seen the eyes and then it jumped to the ground. He said it ran around them making noise,seeing the eyes glowing red. He claims they were as big as tennis balls and only shined red with the reflection of the fire. He estimated it at about 10ft. tall and he could distinctly hear the sounds of its feet when it moved. Now comes the spooky part he claimed it charged at them and he shot at it with a .357 apparently missing or having no effect on it. I tend to believe this kid seeing him tell me this as his voice would crack and his body would start shaking as he told his story.
Ferry Butte has had a lot of sightings and is bordering the Fort Hall bottoms. He claimed it was 15 ft up in the tree and made a loud thud when it landed. This is the same kind of country I had my experience in and is very thick shrubs and large cottonwood trees.
I think they are starting to move again as the snow is melting fast in the higher country.

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