There are bigfoot pictures in Pennsylvania by auto camera

Yes, I think they migrate with the seasons. They follow the food supply as it ripens.

The glowing red eyes seem to indicate that the species must have diverged long ago from the evolutionary tree from which humans and ape evolved. The glowing eye is and adaption for living in the dark or being nocturnal. We see it in cats and other night creatures. There is a layer of tissue behind the retina that reflects light. It is called the tapetum lucidum.

Sometimes I wonder if these creatures are even related to us and the apes. Consider the thylacine. If one saw a thylacine running across the roadway, the natural thought would be that it was a canine. But no, it is a marsupial. However, it sure looks like a canine.

Perhaps that is the case with the sasquatch. We just don't know for sure. We do know that the DNA is very similar to our own.

Maybe we will find out some day.
Has anyone seen one yet? I hope someone will capture a video with a cell phone this summer. No fakes please!
Three months and no activity. I am beginning to loose faith. Anyone sight a bigfoot?
How about unicorns? Anyone see any of them recently?

Peoples' opinions on this issued seem to differ with where and how they live. Those who live in more rural, forested areas are more open to the possibility of these creatures existing. People from more urban areas seem to be skeptical. That is just my feeling; there is not science involved.

Sadly, the issue is clouded by so many hoaxes and frauds. Hopefully, some day we will have an answer.

I am moved by the sincerity of some eye witnesses. They know what they saw; it was not a blobsquatch. Now, just what was it?
There is a science involved -- psychology. It's well-known that when we see/hear something, our brains race to identify it, and often fill in missing pieces to do so. When people go out looking for something in particular, every sight and sound will be evaluated against the possibility of being that something. That leaves a very plausible alternative explanation for these sightings. All that would be needed to disprove this is one credible piece of physical evidence. And yet, in all the time of the legend, none has come forward.

Another science involved -- anthropology. An interesting bit is that the existence of "wildmen" is an element of MANY cultures around the world. Perhaps this myth is a hangover from a time when there actually were other species of hominids sharing the world with our species, and the stories were preserved and reinforced by any strange sound coming from the woods.

But at the root of the Bigfoot myth is a series of exposed forgery and charlatanism. This was enough to set the myth in place, and like the maintenance of much older stories among other cultures, the Bigfoot myth is preserved and reinforced by any strange sound coming from the woods. Don't know what that is, or what could have done that? Must be Bigfoot. For most, any answer is more settling than "I don't know what made that sound..."
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I am moved by the sincerity of some eye witnesses. They know what they saw; it was not a blobsquatch. Now, just what was it?
Nobody knows what they saw, at any point - that's the problem - optical processing is hugely complex, and our eyes don't work anything like a camera - you can't just look at the raw image and say "look, it's there."

We have big blind spots in our visual range (because of the optical nerve) - but we don't see huge black spots in the middle of our vision because our visual cortex fills in the image with what we think is supposed to be there. Our vision is also closely linked with our memory - we can remember things in the present that aren't there - it's all very screwy. We can implant false memories in people just by suggesting they saw something. Memory just isn't trustworthy.

Here's a couple interesting articles on memory, and perception:

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