thermo cube

If you get one, I'd suggest the one with the lower temp range. I bought one w 35-45 off/on temp. Ran the heat lamp constantly, it was way too warm in the coop. JMHO.
The 35/45 is for an electric dog water bowl, not a heat lamp.

Why? What would you recommend for a heat lamp?
Last year I hung a red heat lamp in my coop above the hanging water bucket when the temps were freezing the water.

Being in the Pacific NW, I only needed it/used it for a week.
I use the 35/45 one on a kerosene bullet heater in my lean-to (it does have walls that I take off in the summer), to keep the water cups thawed for my banty's works great. the temps get below 0 plus it has great ventilation. please don't use heat lamps in you coop for heat, i know of to many burned down coops from them. one person I know lost 2 coops (all that was in there too) and almost there house, the only reason the house was saved a passsing police officer saw the fire and saved the house.
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