thermo cube

The 35/45 is for an electric dog water bowl, not a heat lamp.

Why? What would you recommend for a heat lamp?

I've no idea. I line in Indiana, and my coops are insulated/ventilated. It's not cold enough here during winter for me to provide extra heat for them.
I'm so confused now. I was planning on putting a heat bulb in my coop. If I can't do that then what should i do. I only have 3 chickens and that isn't enough to keep the temp up.
What size is your coop? Small. Only about 15 Square feet.

Is it insulated? The roof is, but not the walls. we're looking into changing that.

Is it well ventilated? Yes

Can the ventilation be made smaller? We're already starting to close the window at night, and the roof peak vents can close down

What's the coldest it gets where you live? Rarely into the single digits.

What breed of chicken do you have? 1 BLRW and 2 bantam Cochins.

It was our intention to have "the real coop" built before winter, but life gets in the way sometimes so we are figuring out how to make this work.
What I do is run a regular 60 or 100 watt bulb inside those brooder lamps, instead of a heat bulb, because they put off much less heat- for safety. But you still have to anchor it in two places, because if it falls and hits the shavings, bad news!!!

I have one coop with just 3 silkies in it. It is incredibly small, and I have a 60 watt bulb in it already, but off. Now all I need is a thermocube!
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With that said, once the walls are insulated, I see no reason for your adding extra heat ever. Just be sure that there are no drafts and that the ventilation is up at the top to take out all of the dangerous killer... warm, moist air.
BTW, your three chickens will give off the heat of a 30-watt bulb.
With that said, once the walls are insulated, I see no reason for your adding extra heat ever. Just be sure that there are no drafts and that the ventilation is up at the top to take out all of the dangerous killer... warm, moist air.
BTW, your three chickens will give off the heat of a 30-watt bulb.

Cool. I've been trying to find 2 more bantam Cochins to keep it cozy but no luck. We'll work on the insulation. Thanks.
I used the 35/45 last winter. My girls were a bit younger (4 - 5 months), and I liked it just fine. Just a heads up though, if your coop isn't insulated, it will most likely stay on 24/7 unless you turn the lamp off yourself. Even insulated, my lamp was on most of the time. On the plus side, it didn't affect our power bill THAT much...maybe $20 a month difference??? It seemed pretty accurate, as I have a weather station sensor out there to monitor from the house. I also used the on at 78 - off at 70 model for my coop fans this summer. Needless to say it didn't shut off very in the wee hours of the night. This winter I will probably use the 20/30 model, since my girls are fully mature now, and I use a clay pot heater to keep the water liquid. The models have different T1, T2, etc...
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