These aren't americuanas, are they?

They are EEs, not true ameraucanas.

Every one of them lays an off-white/light brown egg? That won't change.
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Egg color gets lighter as they lay, but basic color doesn't change. Sometimes one just doesn't get the blue color gene. My first EE was named chickenhawk too, lol. She looked a lot like yours too.
They are all EEs, not an Ameraucana in the bunch.

Egg yolk color will change with diet and season, and it will be different chicken to chicken. My hens all eat the same thing, and the other day I was just marveling at the giant range of yolk colors in the bowl.
I have a pen with 5 Ameraucana/Barred Rock and 2 lay olive green, one pure white, one lite brown one tan. They are all Barred colored with ear tuffs. They all came from brite blue eggs.The rooster was a PBR.
we got a green egg from one of them today!

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