They are here baby chicks!! I hope they are okay


5 Years
Jan 27, 2014
Houston, Tx
To make a long story short I ordered mgb from ideal and they arrived today so I go to my po office to pick them up, I get there and ask for them and they said I'm too late that they shipped them back to ideal so I call ideal to tell them what happened and they said that the po shouldn't have done that so ideal gladly tells me that they will get me the same order free of charge and for me to give them the post office info I'm guessing that ideal got the po on their asses cause they called me that my chicks are at the office I hope they are okay I'm picking them up as I type this and this wasn't a short story after all lol. I hope I didn't confused y'all also lol
Look like that happens more than one knows the PO sends them back. Kind of strange you mentioned this and I happened to see it as today I was at the PO checking on some shipped eggs and I was talking to them about hatching chicks in the mail and they asked me if I had an order that was supposed to be there, I said no and they said that the phone on the box was not valid and they could not get a hold of who owned them, so after a day they sent them back. That was just a couple of days ago so someone did not get their chicks. Poor things will be dead before they get back to the hatchery.

((I hope you get your chicks and they are safe and OK))
Yeah when I talked to ideal they told me they weren't going to make the trip back that's why they where going to give me another order no charge. Yes they are all alive a few weak ones but I'm on it to give them strength back
this are the packing peanuts any idea what breed? I know they are still to young

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