Things only country kids would say:

Two yrs ago I was talkin' with one of my neighbors on the back side of our property during deer season. I asked him if he had seen any deer lately. He said "Nope, not since this mornin'!"

My buddy's daughter near Natchez use to call live oak acorns "squirrel cheese".

You gone fishin' down by the crick? (creek)

One more. A tornado had cut through Big Lake camp ground in Tallulah, Louisiana. The trailer next to my buddy's camp had been torn cleanly in half.

Neighbor said "that there trailer done got torn half in two!"

Oh! I'm so Subscribing to this topic! My 8 yr old came in last week and informed me that toshie, and chetto really like sled rides! (refering to our chickens)
Mom and kid walk into the feed store with chicks...

Kid: MOM! You said we could get some more chicks this year, can we get some now?

Mom: No honey, we'll order them from the hatchery. That way we can get girls only. Besides, what would you do with them if they turned out to be roo's?

Kid: If we grow 'em real big we can eat 'em!

This happened to a friend of mine. I was with her and her 7 year old DD. I was almost rolling on the floor laughing so hard! The look on DF's face when DD said the last line was priceless! Sometimes farm kids have a great grasp on the difference of food and pets.
When I was a child we had pigs, one of them would not stay in the pen. When we would come home from school, he would run down the driveway to meet us. One Saturday morning mom was cooking breakfast. I looked over into the pan to see bacon, and I asked "Mom, is that Porky?" Needless to say, I didn't eat pork for about a year.
DD loves duck to eat, so when I was looking through the hatchery catalogues, I mentioned getting a few ducks since we have a huge pond.
DD, who was 6 at the time piped up in that high, sweet voice she has and in a very matter of fact way, "Be glad we don't have a shotgun yet, Mommy or I'd be going duck hunting, YUM,YUM,YUM!"

I haven't laughed that hard in years!!

Same sweet girl got a vacation to the big cities of DC and NYC in Dec. On the drive up, going through Richmond, she was looking at all of the highways and the bridges around I-95. She once again pipes up and askes, "Daddy, why do the bridges have tattos on them?"
She is 8 and I just LOVE her view of life!!

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