Things you never said until you had chickens.......

I catch myself on a daily basis saying, "I was reading on my chicken website..." (meaning BYC!!)

My techs... "You have an appointment waiting."
Me... "As soon as I finish this post..." (Again, on BYC)

"Don't use the downstairs bathroom. I haven't had a chance to clean up the turkey sh*t yet..."

My brother-in-law to me... "You really can't blame the dogs if you come home and find a headless turkey." (because the turkeys mercilessly tease the dogs in their outdoor kennel by sticking their heads through the bars and waiting for the dogs to come running, then quickly pull their heads out and peck the dogs' noses!)

My son to the chickens yesterday... "Only 2 eggs?? I'm not letting you out of the coop until you give me at least 4!"

Me to my father-in-law.... "You finish my chicken plucker yet?"

"Great, now my rooster is limping..."

"I'm bringing Thanksgiving in. She is gonna need stitches!"

"I'm going to be late for work. I was watching Peep lay her egg..."
Me to my kids this morning after picking up a garbage bag and finding (gag) maggots
on the floor of my entryway... "Quick!! Someone go get a chicken!!" (They didn't... I had to squish all the little buggers... (gag again...)

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