Things you never said until you had chickens.......

Could you please pick up some KY jelly. I think Ethel is egg bound.

OUT, OUT, OUT! As the girls sneak into the house through a partially opened door for the 700th time.

Hey girls, I have worms!

Hey ladies, I have boloney!

Get your fluffy butt out of my house! After Gertrude took a dust bath, sneaked into the house and did the wet dog shake.
"Look at those nice meaty little thighs", as I'm holding my pet (not meat) Blackstar, Rhettie.

"Come here girls, I think it's time for some Diatomaceous earth."

Will you PLEASE leave Jinx alone! As Opal is chasing my favorite cat around the yard.
Chitty Bop! aPerperperp, BababaBarney! Where's my handsome boy?

virtually every missed call voicemail message starts with, "you must be outside playing with your chickens..."

my one and only neighbor: i heard you singing to your chickens
me: yeah, i can't help it...
her: that's because you're nuts
"All RIGHT, Brenda, we know you laid an egg already! Shut UP about it fer gawd's sake!"
"Oh - there's a new crower! Gotta go check to see who it is!"
"Ooooh! Earwigs! Come here, girls! nummies!"
"That yard just calls out for chickens. How can they not have a coop somewhere?". (Idle comment, passing a great yard perfectly suited for a flock o' free-ranging fluffy-butt ladies.)
"Whew! normal poop!" as I flick it off my lap.
"Well, well, well, who has learned to fly?!? Get back into that brooder.". Followed in short order by, "Whose poop is THIS?"
"Uh oh - that's the alarm call - lemme go see what's triggered Carl.". (My dominant roo.)
On the phone. "Sorry about that - I'm in the yard with the chickens and it's Crow Fest time."
Love all of your quotes, but especially the one about the earwig. I saw a single earwig in my backyard a few days ago and had to tell everyone I found an actual live bug.
''I better go make sure the girls are up''

''Peeps, come here girl, do you want to go watch tv?''

''Do you think we should get the girls some watermelon?''

''Bucks (buckeye hen), leave Rosco (my 100lb. Chocolate lab) alone.''

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