Things you wish you could say

You seem really sensitive for someone who claims to be tolerant of a lot.
true cat GIF
Wish I could like this 1000 times.
My favorite interaction with a customer was when he received an email that his order was in for pick up. I looked up the order number and half of the order was here. I relayed that info to the customer and even gave an ETA on when the other special order would be in. He started raising his voice saying that he got an email that all of his stuff was in and how he had to drive a long time to get to the store. Also how we got it wrong and the item must be here. By this time he was basically yelling. I asked to see the email since he had his smart phone. So he pulls up the email and shows it to me. In LARGE letters is says PART of your order is ready to pick up. I did not say anything but pointed to the word. His face turns white and I quote, "oh, aw man, uhh.. oh s%^* you are right. It says so right there. I was being such and a*@hole to you guys too. My bad." ... justice!
Fresh Off The Boat Justice GIF by ABC Network
My favorite interaction with a customer was when he received an email that his order was in for pick up. I looked up the order number and half of the order was here. I relayed that info to the customer and even gave an ETA on when the other special order would be in. He started raising his voice saying that he got an email that all of his stuff was in and how he had to drive a long time to get to the store. Also how we got it wrong and the item must be here. By this time he was basically yelling. I asked to see the email since he had his smart phone. So he pulls up the email and shows it to me. In LARGE letters is says PART of your order is ready to pick up. I did not say anything but pointed to the word. His face turns white and I quote, "oh, aw man, uhh.. oh s%^* you are right. It says so right there. I was being such and a*@hole to you guys too. My bad." ... justice!
Fresh Off The Boat Justice GIF by ABC Network
Customer is not indeed always right . Like yelling was going to make it magically appear

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