This Easter Egger is a Cockerel, right?!

Little Meadow Big Sky

6 Years
Dec 22, 2017

My chicks are 9 weeks old and having looked at all the available info it seems to be a pretty safe bet that this Easter Egger is not a she but a he. Hopefully, if a he, he'll turn out to be a Very Good Boy who gets to stay and be a valued protector of the flock (we got 14 beautiful, healthy chicks from Meyer Hatchery) and not an annoying so-and-so who eventually goes to the block. :-0
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I'm actually quite pleased to have a (future) roo. I do so hope he turns out to be an amenable fellow!

Well he might but things may get worse before that happens.
He will hit chicken puberty in the next month and then his hormones will rule him.
I have 3 almost 15 week old cockerels.
Two of them are very randy it's not fun trying to keep them from jumping the pullets who aren't going to even be ready for that for another 6 weeks probably.
I have some pullets even younger than that and they still try to do it to them and some are bantams...way too small! :mad:
They seem to harass the pullets because they're afraid of my mature hens because they won't put up with it.

Hopefully your guy will go through it without too much trouble and since you have 14 girls, well...he can't chase them all at the same time lol.
Just be glad you only have to deal with one!
Hopefully your guy will go through it without too much trouble and since you have 14 girls, well...he can't chase them all at the same time lol.
Just be glad you only have to deal with one!

Though now it is only 13 girls LOL. At least we don't have to rename him. He became "Leopard" when I was trying to tell all the chipmunk-looking chicks apart as he had circles in the patterns on his head. Now if we'd named something distinctly un-roostery, like, say, "Jennifer," that would be another story :).

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