this hatching thing just isnt as easy as it looks


10 Years
Jun 20, 2009
Rigby, Idaho
Ok so hatch # 1, only one chick hatched after a long power outage during week one.
Hatch # 2 had a 105 temp spike on day 15... killed 30 eggs ( still in the bator just incase) 7 were still viable on day 18. had 4 pips early on day 19... one chick out this morning. one more hatched during the day. today after i come in from working outside, BOTH chicks are dead and the other 2 pips arent moving at all. one chick that died looks like its intestines are on the outside.. the other i have no idea what happened.

temps for the most part have been stable. MOSTLY around 101 its a still air bator. been running the humidity at 45% day 1-18 and 65% days 18 to hatch.

what in the world am i doing wrong?????

is it possible that there is some kind of bacteria killing off my eggs?? or am i just a begginer and practice makes perfect??

all the eggs i have bought are from different people and different areas. i have more eggs on the way i am gonna get this right!! HONEST!

any helpful suggestions are appreciated
I'm far from an expert but I would guess that the 105 spike is what killed them and/or messed up their development. Sorry about your chicks and eggs
I might get trashed but you should try Dry Incubating. The first 18 days I dont add any water at all, But I am in east texas where the RH is fairly high. The first 18 days run at 25-35% humidity. The last 3 days I add water and keep it between 50-60%. I have a minifridge bator And so far have had a 96% hatch Out of 150 chicks that I have hatched in the last 3 months. Yea I caught the Hatch BUG now all the neighbors have chicks. YOU HAVE TO REGULATE THE TEMP AT ALL TIMES. I have been lucky and have no problems at all with my thermostat.
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It sounds like you're doing what you're supposed to be, minus the temp spike and all LOL. One thing I can suggest is to have more than one thermometer. I have 3 thermometers in every incubator we have. I have two hygrometers in each as well. Also, take your temp reading at the TOP of the eggs, not the bottom of the incubator. Also, after day 18 do not open the incubator for any reason whatsoever. The cause of their intestines hanging out is from temp being too high and/or humidity too high. You can try to back the temperature down by half a degree and see what happens with the next hatch.
Great advice so far--also, see if you can find local eggs. The troubles you've had so far probably had nothing to do with your egg source, but it seems to be a common theme here than shipped eggs have a lot more trouble than local. So until you get everything down pat, you might want to focus on "easier" local eggs--they'll be cheaper too.
ok i posted on Craigslist looking for fertile eggs here.. i may have to try dry incubating too. at this point UGH. lol if i could find someone that has a newer bator for sale i would buy it so i could put eggs in both..

the only reason i opend the bator today was to get the dead chicks out... *sigh* ive been soooo good! i only candled 3 times this time!! GAH lol im giving the other eggs til monday..
I see farm stands advertising "fresh eggs" all the time, and am always tempted to buy some for the bator. Right now, I'm resisting the temptation to buy silkie eggs from someone one town over...

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